~How you hug~

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Izuku always wants to make sure you feel loved and safe. He will usually hug you around the waist and you wrap your arms around his neck.


He usually doesn't show affection, but in private, he likes to rest his chin on your shoulder and hug you from behind


He likes your hugs, especially your surprise hugs. When you jump at him and he has to catch you. He gets embarrassed but holds you.


He doesn't find it 'professional' but in private he likes when you put your head on his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, you usually end up swaying side to side, while talking about your days.


I loves to hug you, he will hug you in any way, shape or form. Usually from behind, he rests his hands on your stomach, and you rest your hands on his.


It is manly to hug according to him. He love to wrap his arms around your waist, surprising you. From front or behind, this man doesn't care.


He likes to touch your butt, let's be real. He will be hugging you, resting his hands on your waist. He will slowly move his hands to your butt. Which ends up with him being slapped, but he will always say it was worth it.


He is a shy boy, he is nervous to even touch you. So it is usually you who initiates the hugging and touching. He likes is when you wrap your arms around his neck surprising him. Even though he does get embarrassed.


This man literally love hugs, so any kind of hug he loves, as long as it is with you.


She doesn't really like hugs but when you do you wrap your arms around her waist from behind, she lives when you do that.


She loves your hugs and to hug you. She will literally jump at you, almost knocking you over. But after awhile you get used to it.

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