Mirio Togata x Reader

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(you are together in this.)

Y/n pov

Today was the day of the school festival where I would be performing alongside my good friend, Kiyoka Jirou.

I prepare to get ready, along with the rest of the group. I pull my shirt over my head. Me and the rest of the group start doing some warmups. I can't help but think. Is Mirio gonna be proud?...."you ready Y/n?" I hear Jirou ask. I nod.

Mirio's Pov

I enter the gym with Eri. I get ready to watch my lovely significant other perform with their class. "You ready Eri?" I question looking down at the young girl. She nods, not really know what is going on. I giggle to myself.

I realize Eri won't be able to see. I pick her up and place her on my shoulders. She smiles very lightly.

The lights dim. And with that the show begins.

Y/n Pov

I look through the crowd looking for Mirio, just as the song ends I spot him, with a smiling Eri on his shoulders. I giggle and wave to him. He and Eri wave back. I tear up at the sight of Eri smile.

A little while later I go to find Mirio. I spot him and run to him and Eri. "Mirio!!!!" I yell getting his attention. He opens his arms and I run directly into them. He laughs and swings me around.

"You did great up there Sunshine!!" I giggle and blush. He puts me down and I look down at Eri. I kneel down to her level and smile warmly at her.

"What did you think Eri?" She smiles and wraps her tiny arms around my neck. I laugh and pick her up placing her on my hip. She smiles.

Mirio wraps an arm around my shoulder and we walk around to explore more of the festival.

It was now night time, a while ago I found out Mirio is taking a break from school and Eri is staying in the dorms.

I am currently sitting in my dorm scrolling through my phone. My useless scrolling gets interrupted by a knock a my door. I swing my legs of my bed and I open the door.

"Hey Sunshine." I see a smiling Mirio. "Hey, what brings you here?" I ask, smiling in return. "Eri wanted to hang out for a bit." He says. I follow Mirio's arm to see a tiny hand in his. Eri smiles at me. "Come on in!" I say stepping out of the doorway to let them in. "Actually I gotta go." He says letting go of Eri's hand. "But I'll see you tomorrow." I nod. He smiles and kisses my forehead before leaving. I wave him goodbye and so does Eri.

I shut the door and turn around to see Eri sitting comfortably on my bed. She seems to have found my F/A (favorite animal) stuffie. I walk over to the bed and sit next to her. Eri inspects the stuffed animal.

"Their name is (stuffie name.)" I say smiling. She smiles and hugs it. I laugh. I turn on a Disney movie. We watch in silence.

Eri leans her head on my shoulder, and I wrap my arm around her. "What are you and Mirio?" She questions out of the blue. "He is my boyfriend." I say to the child. "Do you love him?" She asks now look at me with her beautiful scarlet eyes.

I kiss her forehead. "Yes, Yes I do love him." I say, realizing I really do. A while later I hear the soft breathing of the little child. I look down to see a sleeping Eri. I lay her down on my bed and cover her with a blanket. I lay down next to her and drift off to sleep.

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