~How you meet~

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You met during the entrance exam, you helped him save Uraraka.


Your parents are friends with his, so you have know each other since you were kids. And your friendship grew strong throughout the years.


You met during middle school. You stood up for him when he was being made fun of because of his scar. After that you become good friends.

Tenya Iida

You meet at UA, being in the same class as him. You kinda just drifted towards the same group of people. As well as, the fact that you both want to succeed in school. You also know who his brother is.


You are bakugou's friend and he introduces you to his friends, and you and Sero hit it off immediately.


You meet during training. You never really talked to him, until you are told to battle him. After the battle you two become good friends.


You met in class. You were told to help tutor him. You two got off topic quickly, talking about vines and memes.


Your best friend Mirio introduces you two, one day. You two share some things in common, being shy, anxiety, and not liking a lot of people. You two got along well.


You two have been friends since kindergarten. You met through a toy car, romantic right?. A boy was making fun of you for playing with the car. Mirio stepped in a defended you, after that you two played together.


You were sitting in class, with your earbuds in. Music blasting in your eyes, unaware others could hear it. Jirou overheard and complimented your taste in music. After that the two of you walked home together while sharing a pair of earbuds, jamming out to music.


You met during the entrance exam, she complimented how beautiful you were, and she also complimented your quirk. After that you two have been pretty close.

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