Chapter 18: Second Task

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Mal's POV

These past couple weeks after the frustrating encounter with my birth father passed by quickly and happily. Mione, despite still making annoying comments here and there about my new relationship, begrudgingly accepted it. Draco and I have been having a lot of fun with this 'secret relationship' thing, we sneak into each other rooms every other day, when we're in our common room and no ones looking he starts playing with my fingers as we pretend to be reading, we have our little make out sessions in the dark parts of secluded hallways. That might just be the funnest part, the idea that we could get caught but don't.

Tonight, I'm in the library with Harry, Mione, and Ron. We're trying to figure out how he's going to complete the next task.

"Alright... so you're going to have to go into the lake, that part's obvious. And you're gonna have to find... something? And there'll be mer people. So now we just have to figure out the last part, easy." Mione said to herself. Harry groaned and glared at her.

"Easy? When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour Hermione?"

"You got any ideas smartass?" I retorted. He sighed loudly and pressed his head against a book.

"Wait... how's Cedric going to do it? Do you know?"  Harry lifted his head up slightly.

"Cedric? Umm... he's in sixth year, he knows more spells than we..." I realized how lame my excuse was in the middle of saying it.

"No one knows more spells than Hermione does." Ron said matter of a factly, making her blush a little and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed another book and started skimming through its pages rapidly.

"Honestly, he didn't want to tell me. He knew I would tell you and he said he had already helped you out, this is a competition after all." I shrugged.

"You two aren't still fighting are you? Over the thing during the ball?" Harry eyed me suspiciously.

"What? No of course not, that was almost two months ago."

We're fine now. Of course we haven't done anything anymore because I haven't allowed it, I told him that I wanted to focus on our friendship. I wasn't lying, I do want us to be friends, good friends, but I also couldn't tell him about Draco.

"Right." Mione said and slammed her book shut, glaring at me as she placed it back on the shelf. I was about to go off on her when Mcgonagall came in.

"Mr. Potter, good luck tomorrow." Harry nodded weakly and groaned, "I need Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger to come with me."

"Which one?" Mione and I asked at the same time.

"Both of you."

"Alright," I placed the book in front of the shelf and watched as it inserted itself into place, "you'll find something Harry, I know you will." I smacked the back of his head lightly and left with Ron and Mione.

We all headed up silently to Dumbledore's office, all three of us exchanging nervous glances. Are we in trouble?

"Thank you for coming." Dumbledore said as we arrived.

"What is the matter?" I got right to the point.

"Well, as you know tomorrow's the second task. We need you three to be part of it."

"What?" Ron interrupted. Mione nudged him and he kept quiet.

"Tomorrow's task will require our contestants to find someone close to them and rescue them, in this case: Mr. Weasley, you'll be Mr. Potter's person. Ms. Hermione Granger, you'll be Mr. Krum's person." I nudged Mione and she blushed out of embarrassment, "And Ms. Granger," Dumbledore addressed me, "you'll be Mr. Diggory's person." Ron whistled and I shot him a dirty look.

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