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A streak of midnight blues which is currently suffusing the room, traverses through the little eye of the shiny needle along with a strand of thread, as you hold it high in the air, placing it near the blue LED globe which is smearing its blueness all over the caravan room.

A faint memory of your father seeking your help to pass the strand of thread through the needle eye pervades your mind, slightly jiggling your bottled-up homesickness.

You swing around to face Jungkook's shirt with a melancholic sigh, cautiously avoiding his gorgeous face.

"Is it an awful sight for you manager nim?" he dubiously asks after noticing your sigh, he sounds quite surprised too.

"What? NO!... I mean.. I'm sorry, I just got deviated by some personal stuff, it has nothing to do with you, I'm sorry!" You apologise genuinely.

"Oh! That's fine, I thought you hated my revealing clothes. So, are you alright? Do you need a break or something?" He asks with warm concern.

"Thanks for asking, but it's okay! I'm good to go!" You proceed to delicately thrust the needle against his shirt.

Once the needle dives into the fabric of the shirt, you pull it out the midway, suddenly remembering something.

"What happened?" 

"Umm, can you hold a thread between your teeth till I finish sewing this button?" You ask while staring at his ripped open shirt instead of his face, like how you read the subtitles of those Kdramas.

"In between my teeth? Okay...but why though?" He sounds confused.

"In my place, there is a belief that it is bad luck to sew clothes while someone is wearing it unless the person in the clothes holds a thread in their mouth, so can you hold a strand of thread until I finish stitching?" You raise your hand, holding a thread.

"Weird but interesting! I'll do it, no worries manager-nim." He enthusiastically replies, the piece said you expect him to get the thread in his hand from your hand, but when you feel a pair of soft lips slightly brushing against your fingers, every part of you goes on pause.

Did he just use his lips instead of his hands?! Is he trying to suck your soul outta your system or what? 

"Done! Can you continue to stitch now? it's getting late." he says clutching his jaws together.

"Ye..ah.." You stammer, trying to find the lost track of your mind.

Needle continues to plunge into the button slot in a constant pattern.

Although you scrutinize at the stitching and try to avoid sensing the things around, you couldn't help but feel his sharp eyes peering down at you, his hot breath stroking against your forehead amplifies your senses.

If Alec Benjamin failed to sing 'Let me down slowly' from Jungkook's Bluetooth woofers, he surely could've heard the crazy rhythm of your heart.

"So please, please

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?

A little sympathy, I hope you can show me..."

Jungkook feebly sings along with Alec, in the voice of an angel.

"So, manager-nim! I badly wanted to ask you something since I saw you in Bang PD's office" he abruptly asks amid his jam session.

"What?" You didn't shift your gaze from the button.

"Is it my money or my fame or my status? What convinced you to choose this job?" His tone is a fuse of superiority and cynicism and that rouses your inner 'Agust-D' fangirl.

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