questions for you readers

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Here's some question if your bored

How distracting can the distraction dance be?

If you really are a multi nightmare shipper which nightmare would you ship with everyone more?

Dreamtale nightmare

Dreamswap nightmare

Empireverse nightmare

Empireswap nightmare

Other nightmares

All the nightmares

Why is cross is scared of cows?

Which one is more of a bean?




Bitty corrupted

Bitty passive

Bitty blueberry

Is it true if there us such thing as real alternative universe out there will you enter the portal?

What is your gender liking?

What did you think of the halloween special?

YoU hAvE cRiPpLiNg DePrEsSiOn?!?!?!

What is life?

If the sans had vocaloid voices which sans would you prefer?

If the world is about to end will you be glad?

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