The battle

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Last time...

Tyson: *interrupts him* Enough, with mind reading. *takes his starter and pulls the ripcord* DRAGOON! LET IT RIP!

Ray: Hey don't forget me! *pulls the ripcord* DRIGER! LET IT RIP!

Max and Daichi: *also pulls the ripcord* DRACIEL! STRATA DRAGOON!LET IT RIP!

Kai: *holds the starter with two blades on it and pulls* Hn... DRANZER! FROSTIC DRANZER! LET IT RIP!

Ryuga: *smirks* Well, my friends. Then lets begin. *uses his hand as starter* LDRAGO! LET IT RIP!

L'Drago hits the ground and spins very shakily, in contrast to other blades that move at full speed.

Tyson: *grins* Well, that was clear. A start with the hand will not help.

Ryuga: *smiles darkly* Don't underestimate my blade, champ! *looks down at his blade* LDRAGO!!!

The Bladebreakers look confused at the shaky blade, which suddenly starts to get faster and faster and finally reaches full speed. The boys are shocked.

Daichi: *stunned* Houston, we have a problem!

Max: *also stunned* Is this me, or he is getting faster?

Ray: *doesn't know what just happening right now* Is this even possible.

Even Kai is impressed, but tries to stay in his cool way.

Kai: *stays calm* In our world, yes.

Tyson: *growls a little at his best friend* Kai, that will not help us.

Kai: *rolls the eyes* I'm just telling the truth.

Ryuga: *yells* LDrago, go! Get the Queen!

The dark dragon appears and roars.

Tyson: *shocked to see the size of the Bit-Beast* This thing is a monster. *looks down to his blade* Go, Dragoon! Protect the Queen.

Kai: Dranzer, go!

Ray: Let's go, Driger!

Max / Daichi: Draciel! Strata Dragoon!

The Bit-Beasts move to the front and block way to the queen.

The two dragon brothers look at each other.

LDrago: *growls at Dragoon* This is my last warning, brother. Go out off the way, or take the consequence.

Dragoon: *growls back* As a beta, it is my duty to protect the queen.

LDrago: *looks at the queen* What is with you, your Majesty? I thought it is the duty of Alpha to protect the others?

Frost: *gives him a cold look* My folk decided it, not me. As a good queen, I should listen to my folk. *narrows the eyes* But someone like you will never understand that. That's why never will be a good king.

LDrago: *roars angry and gets ready to attacks* You will regret what you said!

Ryuga: *smirks* That's right, LDrago get her!

LDrago speeds up and attacks.

Bladebreakers: *in choir* Attack!

Dragoon roars very loud and gives the others a sign to attack, as suddenly the roar of the queen is heard. All Bit-Beasts stop.

Frost: *looks Strata Dragoon and Draciel* Delta, you first.

Strata Dragoon and Draciel: *in choir* Yes, Your Majesty! *attacks the dark Dagon*

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin