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Blake was freaking out at home.

That dirty call session with Nicole was fucking amazing and left him more than excited for the actual date, but now that it was here, he was brickin' it.

It turned out she was actually busy with work and couldn't do anything earlier than the next Friday, which worked out for him, because he got busy at work too. Plus, it gave Blake enough time to actually plan the date.

He'd decided to attempt to be romantic for this date, but since the last time he actually, and properly dated was in university, he was kind of out of touch.

The thought did come to him that maybe he should probably go to the most rational people of their group, Mia and Sebastian or Diana and Roman, but then that would mean explaining the situation to them, and he'd rather not.

This whole thing he'd rather keep to himself. Not just because the others would take the piss, but he'd rather this not all go sideways, and if it did, he didn't want to hear about it.

If things were later to get more serious, then probably he'd let the group know. For now they could think he was completely single, with no ties. Well technically he still was, but he didn't want anyone knowing...for now.

This thing with Nicole, to everyone else it was pure speculation right now, and Blake rather keep it that way. From his side, he was all in to making this happen, but Nicole was a clear flight risk.

He didn't mind her being unsure, that was okay. But before he let the group know about this date or anything about them in general, he'd rather Nicole be entirely and completely sure.

"Everything is ready, sweet." Maggie smiled at him, snapping Blake out of his nervous thoughts.

After browsing online for some ideas, by literally searching for 'date ideas for dummies', Blake felt like he had found the perfect idea.

It was so simple, but then also looked like he tried, which basically described him in a sense.

He recruited the help of Maggie and Burt to make his plan happen.

Maggie felt excited that Blake wanted to make this effort for someone. She'd been telling him for a while that he ought to be with someone, and have a serious girlfriend, but he never listened. Now it finally felt like he was, and that with a girl he really liked.

"Thanks, Maggie," Blake grinned at her, giving her a little kiss on the cheek.

"It's all set up and there should be no problems in the structure. It should hold," Burt then said, holding his tool box in one hand.

He was also quite happy for Blake. Especially since he looked like a little kid that was told he was going to a candy store.

"My, I've never had anything like this before," Maggie said, as she overlooked Blake's whole date idea.

"Me too. The most we could do was go on walks and that classed as a date," Burt replied, standing next to her.

Blake looked in-between the two, and smiled. There seemed to be something going on there, that seemed clear, but he'd have to play cupid for them later. For now he wanted to focus on his date.

"We should get going now," Burt then said.

"You have fun, and tell me everything after," Maggie told Blake, cupping his face in her hands and giving him the brightest smile she could.

Blake smiled back at her. "Thank you both so much," he said, hugging her tightly.

"Good luck, son" Burt nodded at him and Blake nodded back.

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