Dunno What To Call This but Part 1

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Time Traveler Au!

Where was he? He remembered a bright blue light, many loud voices and then darkness. 

"Oi! Wake up sleepyhead!" Someone yelled. He slowly opened his eyes and flinched when he saw a scary bald man right in his face. 

"Tanaka! Get away from him," someone else called, he turned his head to the side and saw another man with short silver hair and a mole under his eye. He blinked a couple of times and sat up, looking around he saw that he was in a completely white room. 

"Wh-where the hell am I?" He asked, confused. The silver-haired man walked over and gave him a warm smile.
"I'm sure you're confused but I will explain everything, I promise. I'm Sugawara, if you need any help, just ask for me. Now, Tanaka, please get Yamaguchi some clothes," 
"How do you know my name? Wait-" He looked down and saw that he was wearing nothing but a hospital gown.
"-where are my clothes?"

"We just had to run some tests on you to make sure our assumptions were correct," Sugawara said nonchalantly before walking out of the room.

Yamaguchi began to panic and the stare this Tanaka guy was giving him was really creeping him out. He threw a handful of clothes at Yamaguchi before walking out of the room. 

He looked down at the clothes in front of him, they were a brand name he had never even heard of. He was so confused about this whole situation, but shook away those thoughts and got dressed. All the stuff in the room was so high tech, unlike anything he had seen before. 

He walked to the door and opened it, many people were walking up and down the halls, he couldn't help but notice the extremely varied fashion among them. 

"Ah Yamaguchi, you're done," Sugawara said suddenly, popping up beside him.
"Wh-what's going on? Where am I? Why am I here?"
"Hey, calm down. I'm going to explain everything, but it will be a lot to take in,"
"Yeah, you kidnapped me!"
"It may seem that way, but it's really for your own good. Now just follow me and I will tell you what's going on."

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes before following after Suga. He couldn't stop looking at the advanced technological surroundings. He was taken to a sleek fancy room, Sugawara took and seat and gestured for him to take the one beside him. 

"Now, everything I'm about to say will sound crazy," 
"Yeah, well you've already kidnapped me so go off I guess,"
Suga simply smiled at him but it was clear he was getting pissed off.

"Well let's start off with the first thing. We are currently in the year 2042-"
"Aha aha," Yamaguchi started laughing and even wiped a tear.
"Wow, you must really think I'm stupid Sugawara-san, if that is even your real name."

"Yamaguchi, I'm going to need you to just listen to me, okay? This is serious and what I'm going to tell you is for the safety of the people you care about,"
Yamaguchi stilled at the words and stared at Sugawara, "You're not going to hurt my friends, right?"
"No, of course not, in fact, I'm trying to do the opposite. But I need you to just believe what I have to say,"

He leant back in the chair and crossed his arms, "Whatever, go on then,"

Sugawara pulled what Yamaguchi assumed to be a phone out of his pocket. It was nothing like he had ever seen before, the phone itself was clear, he could even see the apps through the back of the phone.

"Now look, see that date, it says September 12th 2042. Hopefully, that'll encourage you to believe what I have to say now."
"Go ahead I guess."

"You see, the building you are in right now is the HSATA headquarters, that stands for 'Haikyuu Space And Time Administration'. You see we have the technology to time travel, and yes, we can travel into the future but only as far as civilisation is still on Earth. 2042 is as far as Earth has gotten so far. But, there are other underground organisations that have even more advanced technology than us and they are able to put anomalies in the timeline. And with those anomalies, come many disastrous side effects. Things like preventing the death of someone who was supposed to die. Intercepting letters between the world leaders. And the worst thing, placing people in times they aren't supposed to exist in, and changing the lives around everyone around them in a bad way."

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