Chapter 56: July 21

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J U L Y 21


Mal's POV

I hate you.

Maybe it's not you I hate.

Maybe it's myself.

Yes. That's it.

I hate myself for falling in love with you.

I don't understand how it happened. By all natural laws we are complete opposites, we hated each other once, we were never supposed to fall in love.

Yet we did.

Maybe Professor Snape was right. Never thought I'd say that. But maybe he was. Maybe we are magnets, because we are complete opposites, and according to science: opposites attract.

Who the hell discovered that anyway? Why should opposites attract? I mean, think about it, it makes no sense.

The point is, opposites attract, and that's what happened with us. I wish it hadn't.

Because if that hadn't been the case, we would never have happened. We would never have hurt each other, you would've gone your own way, and I would've gone mine. Our paths wouldn't necessarily have had to cross.

You would be the heir of Slytherin, and I would be the outsider of it. It could've stayed that way. That could've made things much easier.

Apparently, I don't want things to be easy. You know how much I love a challenge. And you were a big challenge to me. I loved that about you. I still do. I don't think I could ever be with someone who's weak, that'd be way too easy.

So yes. I hate myself. I hate myself because no matter the number of times I run over what you did inside my head, and no matter how many times I am constantly reminded of what a 'bad person' you are, I still believe you're not. And I am still in love with you. And I hate that. And I hate me.

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