Chapter 58: The Beginning Of the End

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T H E   B E G I N N I N G   O F   T H E   E N D


I had to let you go. Because I still remember how you made me laugh, made me smile, for the first time made me feel like I could be myself. But I fell in love with who you were, not who you are. Not anymore.

Mal's POV

I rolled on my bed, shifting my position, and accidentally kicked Mione. She groaned and mumbled a curse at me.

"Sorry. It's time Mione." I sat up and shook her gently awake.

"Yeah. It is." She buried her face in her hands for a couple moments but finally got up.

While she went to get ready in the bathroom I took our bags out of the closet and packed the last minute details. Of course, once she came back she did it again, being Hermione I couldn't expect anything else. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and pulled it into a messy ponytail, and put on my dark blue leather jacket with some jeans and black boots. Totally my style. I rolled my eyes. But we can't worry about style when we're simply trying to stay alive. I finally got out of the bathroom and Hermione was already sitting on my bed, holding a picture of all of our family I had on my bedside table. I sat down next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Don't you ever think about how we live and realize, we're not kids anymore? Even when we were, we didn't live life like kids should have." She said as she looked at the picture.

"I don't think we were ever born to truly be kids, I think we had a greater purpose. I think we were born to be..."

"Extraordinary." We both said at the same time, recalling what our parents always tell us.

"You two... were born to be extraordinary. We are so proud of you." I sighed at the memory of my parents words.

"But sometimes, I wish we didn't have to be extraordinary, you know? I wish I could just be Hermione Granger. And you could just be Malorie Granger. Two normal girls living normal lives."

"Normal would be too boring for us. Plus, we need good stories to tell our kids." I tried to lighten up her mood. She nodded and got up off the bed, placing my picture back on the bedside table and wiping away a tear that had fallen down her cheek.

"Mal! Hermione! Breakfast is ready!" Our mom called out and we both stifled a sob.

"Coming." We both said, our voices breaking slightly.

We pointed our wands at our bags, performing the disillusionment charm to make them invisible and moved them downstairs. We finally went down and I inhaled deeply at seeing my mother and father, the people that had taken me in when I needed it the most, sitting together, completely oblivious to what was about to happen.

Mione and I raised our wands to them but hesitated. We both looked at each other doubtfully.

Together. I mouthed.

Together she repeated, and linked her hand with mine.

"Obliviate." We both said at the same time and watched as the memory of us in that house evaporated, the pictures on the walls no longer had us in them, there were two plates on the table now instead of four. Every trace that we had ever existed, gone. I tugged on Mione's hand and we both left the house before they could turn around and wonder who the two strange girls were. We had to do it. It's for their own safety. They'll hopefully move to Australia by tonight, that way no one will find them.

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