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Ophelia's pov
I sat there on the couch, scrolling through my phone while Niko sat on my lap, watching the kids show I put on for him. We've been in London for a week, and It's been surreal.

We've visited a lot of places, met a lot of great people, and tried a lot of great food. It was amazing.

Nikolai loved walking around London, exploring the many places. A lot of...fans quickly figured out we were here, and tried to take photos of Erich, which he declined.

I didn't mind though. I just hated the paparazzi.

Like for example one time Erich, Niko, and I decided to go out for lunch and before we could even order they're was tons of paparazzi trying to take photos of us. I had to hide Nikolai in my chest just so his face wasn't splattered all over tabloids and social media.

Today was a relaxing day. Nikolai and I made a few treats, played in the garden, and decided to end the day with watching tv. It was semi-productive. Suddenly Niko grabbed my face making me look at him.

"Yes?" I asked and he pointed to the kitchen.

"Kitchen. I want cookie." He said, and I smiled. Nikolai was finally starting to form words with sentences. He was developing a little later, but it wasn't anything serious.

Babies just grow at their own pace.

I grabbed him, walking into the kitchen. I placed him on the counter, giving him a chocolate chip cookie that I made. He started munching on it while I grabbed a cookie, popping it into my mouth.

I took out another plate, placing all the snacks on the plate and started to clean the many dirty spoons and bowls I used.

"Phelia." Nikolai said, and I turned around. He pointed to the living room, and I grabbed him, walking to the living room. I plotted him on the couch.

"Nikolai, stay here, and don't move until I get back." I said and he nodded. I went back into the kitchen, scrubbing the dishes quickly. I heard the door slam.

"Hello?" I heard Erich's voice yell.

"In here! Don't bother Nikolai." I said and he walked into the kitchen, plopping himself down in a chair.

"Can I have one?" He asked, pointing to the snacks. I nodded, and he grabbed one, staring to eat it.

"What did you do today?"

"Met up with the company and had a few meetings. I'm leaving tomorrow." He said and I sighed.

"I kinda miss Anastasia." He muttered and I turned around, giving him a 'what the fuck' look.

"I don't mean romantically. What I meant was you and her started developing a friendship and you could've finally gotten along if she didn't have to leave." He explained, and I nodded. Nikolai crawled into the kitchen, Erich picking him up.

"Hey buddy." Erich said, kissing his cheeks. I went back to the dishes, when I felt something cold slide down my shirt, making me scream in shock as the thing fell to the floor. I looked down, seeing an ice cube. I looked up at Erich, who was smirking.

"Fuck off, Erich, now my back is all wet." I muttered and turned around. I heard a few shuffles, but didn't think much. Suddenly I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"You know what else is wet?" He asked seductively, me chuckling.

"Not me, that's for damn sure." I said and turned around. Erich pouted, me looking at Nikolai.

"Why don't we take Nikolai out to the pool?" I asked and Erich shook his head no.

"Too cold."

"It's an indoor pool." I said and Erich rolled his eyes. I shifted out of Erich's grip, grabbing Niko.

"Want to go play in the water?" I asked and Niko started clapping his hands. Erich and I both went upstairs. I took Nikolai to his room, and laid him down on the changing table.

I went into the drawer, pulling out his bright red blue bathing suit. I quickly took of the shirt and shorts he was wearing, changing it with his swimming shorts. I went into Erich and I's room, seeing Erich scrolling through his phone with blue swimming shorts on as well.

"Aw! You guys are matching!" I exclaimed and Erich rolled his eyes. He grabbed Niko from my grip, Nikolai wrapping his small hands around Erich's neck.

"You guys go, I'll be there in a few short minutes." I said and they both nodded. I laughed as they went downstairs. I took off my clothes, deciding to wear a baby pink bikini. I plugged my phone into my charger, and grabbed a spare change of clothes.

I walked into the indoor pool, seeing Erich holding Niko in the pool, splashing around. I laughed as Erich's eyes were on me, smiling brightly.

"Get in babygirl." He said and I threw my clothes on the floor, getting in slowly. The warm water clung to my body, a pleasuring aura surrounding me.

I walked up to Erich and Niko, Niko holding out his hands for me. I took him into my arms, holding him close to me. Suddenly Niko splashed me lightly, making me gasp.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and splashed him lightly. We started splashing each other slightly, our laughs bouncing off the walls. Erich watched, smiling and staring at me strangely.

"What?" I asked as I handed him Niko. I put my hair up in a bun, and quickly went down in the water.

I started swimming around the pool for a few minutes, bringing my head up every minute just to get some air. Erich watched my every move, and quickly I got tired. I shot my head up, resting near the shallow end.

"You're so good at swimming." Erich complimented me, while I was rapidly trying to catch my breath. Niko came to me, laying in my lap. I kissed his forehead, before looking at Erich.

"My father wanted me to be a professional swimmer." I answered and Erich nodded. We sat by the shallow end.

"Do you want to go swimming?" I asked and Erich shook his head no, and we sat by the shallow end, Niko staring into the crystal blue water. I let Niko sit by himself in the water, him immediately splashing around.

"Do you have anymore business things going on here?" I asked Erich.

"Yeah, a few meetings."



"I don't know, it just seems like you came here for business."

"Well...that is the partial reason as to why I came." He said and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Nikolai, letting him rest on my hip.

"Erich I wanted to come here so you can finally spend some time with your son and get away from business, but no, you bring your work with you." I spat and started walking out.

"OPHELIA." Erich yelled and I turned around. He looked at me, a annoyed expression on his face. I walked to one of the many chairs in the pool and sat Niko down.

"What?" I asked, and Erich walked up to me, wrapping his hands around me. I rolled my eyes, quickly taking them off me.

"No Erich, Don't touch me."


"Seriously, Erich."

"Ophelia please."

"Fuck off." I spat and Erich grabbed my waist.

"You do realize I'm a billionaire right? And I own a huge company? I have to work 24/7." He said and I sighed. I slapped his hands off me, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Keep on doing this 'work 24/7' bullshit and You're relationship to Niko will be like Niko's relationship to Cindy, nonexistent." I spat and picked Niko up. I grabbed my clothes, walking out, leaving Erich in the huge indoor pool by himself.

Hope you all enjoy. Spam the comments for meeee :')-Julia♥︎♥︎

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