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Please vote and comment everyone! This chapter is HUGE (not length wise, but the end will SHOCK YOU! So look out for that!)

Ophelia's pov
I shut the last of Nikolai's drawer, walking out of his room. Willow was holding Nikolai in her arms, not planning to let go for awhile, I'm guessing.

"I swear he grew!"

"We were gone for two weeks, not two months, relax." I said and she rolled her eyes. I walked downstairs, seeing Erich laying on the sofa.

I sat down next to him, Erich's face perking up. Willow came back down, still holding Niko.

"Is it okay if I take him home! You guys can have your own special night tonight." She said and I scoffed, while Erich chuckled.

"Go right ahead Willow." He said and she nodded, taking Nikolai upstairs. Erich was watching some documentary, so I pulled out my phone, seeing ober 15 missed calls from Anastasia. I quickly answered them.


"OH THANK GOD YOU FINALLY ANSWERED. YOU'RE FATHER HAD A HEART ATTACK." She yelled at the top of her lungs. My eyes went wide.

"WHAT?! Is he okay?!"

"He's fine. I called you like 10 hours ago, when it was bad."

"I was on the plane with Erich back to San Francisco."

"Ophelia, they did tests, and he might have coronary artery disease." She said and I felt my heart drop to my ass.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. Ophelia he doesn't look good." She whispered, and I felt tears blur my vision.

"I have to go see him."

"No, Ophelia don't, they closed all visitations until tomorrow at 9 am." She said and I took a shaky breath.

"O-Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I said and turned my phone off. I placed it on the counter. Erich looked at me, his expression worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"M-My dad, H-He's sick." I stuttered out, and Erich's eyes went wide.

"What do you mean?"

"He had a heart attack, there doing tests. He might have coronary artery disease." I said and Erich sighed grabbing me by my hips.

He placed me on his lap, letting me cry into his chest. He ran his hands down my hair, his other hand rubbing my back lightly.

"We'll visit him tomorrow, okay?" I asked and Erich nodded.

"Of course baby." He whispered and Willow came down, holding a baby bag. She didn't say a word, taking Nikolai out of the house. I cried in Erich's chest while he started comforting me.

"Don't worry baby, he's going to get the best treatment possible." He said and I nodded.

"I-I know. But I don't think it's my decision."


"He's married to Anastasia." I said and Erich scoffed.

"Trust me, Ophelia, he left you to make his decisions."


"Nothing." He muttered and I sighed, suddenly growing tired. I would ask him what he meant, but I was too tired to even ask, or argue if it came to that.

"I'm exhausted." I mumble and laid my head down on Erich's lap, him chuckling.

"Is it because of a few hours ago?" Erich asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe a little bit..."

"How did joining the mile high club feel like?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Who says I wasn't already apart of it?" I asked and Erich looked at me confused.

"Excuse me?" He asked and chuckled.

"Who says I wasn't apart of it already?" I asked and his eyes narrowed.

"I wasn't your first?" He asked and I sighed.

"First airplane sex? Yes. First guy to have sex with? No." I said and he sighed.

"Who was, then?" He asked and I swallowed, feeling nervous.

"M-My high school boyfriend." I said, Erich running his hands through my hair softly.

"His name?"

"Harry Black. We had sex a few hours after our graduation, at his home. I broke up with him that same night." I said and he smiled.


"Kept on talking about how his ex girlfriend was better." I responded and Erich laughing, me rolling him eyes.

"Was it even good?"

"No, he didn't know what he was doing." I responded and Erich chuckled.

"How about me?" He asked and I laughed.

"You need me to tell you how good you are at sex?"

"Yes, I already know I am, but I need a confidence boost." He teased, and I got up, kissing his cheek.

"You're confidence needs no boosting, my friend." I said, walking to the kitchen.

Erich's pov
I quickly trailed behind her, watching as she cleaned up.

"You do realize I have maids?"

"So what? I can clean after myself, I'm a big girl." She responded, starting the clean the dishes. I sat down on the counter next to her, watching. She looked at me every few minutes.

"What?" She asked, and I didn't respond.

"I love you." I whispered, and she dried her hands with a towel. She went in between my legs, wrapping her hands around my neck, while I still sat down on the counter.

"You do?" She asked, teasing me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Ophelia, I do love you."

"Well guess what, Mr.Blunt, I love you too, even though your a pain in my ass sometimes."

"I am not!"

"Ohhhh, yes you are."


"You just are." She said and I hugged, a gorgeous laugh escaping her throat.

"Well you're a pain my ass sometimes." I said.

"Really? How?" She asked.

"You're too proper."


"Yes! And too polite."

"Polite?" She asked, and bursted out laughing. I smiled, watching her intensely.

"Are you okay? You keep on staring at me weirdly." She asked, and I sighed.

"I'm fine, baby, I must be ti-" Suddenly the door was knocked on. I immediately felt myself tense.

I jumped off my the counter, walking into the living room and grabbing my phone. I messaged my main guard, George.

"George? Who is knocking on my door?"

"It's a surprise."


"Erich jut open it." George said and hung up. Ophelia walked into the living room, looking at me confused.

"Is everything alright?" Ophelia asked, and I nodded.

"Everything is fine, I have to see who's at the door. I saw and she shook her head.

"It's fine, I'll get it." She said and I sighed.

"No, It's a surprise for me, apparently." I muttered and walked to the front door. I opened it, and immediately someone flew into my arms, hugging me tightly. I felt myself freeze.



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