Apple juice.

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Georges eyes slowly opened. He scanned the room and noticed he had woken up by himself, which was a suprise. The next thing he checked was the time, it was 6 pm. Dream must've stayed awake after their sexual afternoon because he could here rhe group chit-chatting outside of his room. After waking up a bit, George staggered out to the living room and saw his friends on the floor playing uno.

"Hey! you're finally up. Come play uno with us, George." Sapnap said.

"You're an asshole." George laughed.

Sapnap stared at George with a dumbfounded expression while Bad scolded him on his profanity.

Dream tried to control his laughter after sapnaps next response.

"You don't want to play?" He sounded genuinely confused.

"I'm colorblind." His tone was blunt.

There was a long pause of silence.

"Yeah.. so?" They've never seen Sapnap so dense before.

Dream couldn't help but start wheezing, "Sapnap, you're not this dumb." He squeezed through.

Bad set a hand on Dreams shoulder trying to calm him down when George gave sapnap a moment to process why he couldn't play.

"Sapnap. I can't see colors, I'm colorblind." He said it slower this time as it would help him understand.

After he actually took a moment to think it through he acknowledged his error.

"Oh! sorry. Anyways, Dream, draw 4 and the color is red." He changed the subject quickly and payed attention to the card game set out in front of them.

As George left to the kitchen to make himself something to eat, he could hear dream raging about sapnaps move. George laughed about the simple fact he was extremely competitive, with anything. Maybe even something as small and unimportant like a childs game.

"Uno!" Bad called out. Sapnap and Dream were so at eachothers throats that they didn't realize Bad was absolutely destroying them.

"What? No!" Although the game wasn't over, Dream threw his cards on the floor which ended up in them all over the carpet.

Dream had left the living room and snuck up on George. George leaned over the kitchen counter as he cut up apples. Dream suddenly started tickling Georges sides, resulting in yelps and whines.

"Dream! Stop it," He was cut off my a mixture of laughter and cries.

"I'm soreeee stop!" He pleaded.

Dream soon stopped and held George in a hug after he looked grumpy.

"I'm sorry." He murmured. He hated apologies.

"Hmph." As grumpy as George was, he couldn't resist dream and that sweet vanilla smell that wafted off of him. George hugged him back, slipping an apple in his mouth over Dreams shoulder.

The rest of the time George was in the kitchen, dream held onto him like he was a tree. He only held on tighter after the first clap of thunder startled him.

"You're squeezing too tight." He complained.

"Sorry." Though he apologized, he didn't squeeze any less.

George tried to wiggle out of his boyfriends grasp but to no succeed.

"You're so clingy." Sapnap said as he entered the kitchen.

"Shut up, go play uno Sap." Dream shot back.

Bad responded with a laugh from the living room.

The clouds in the sky darkened as the rain hit violently against the windows and the roof outside.

A bit later George came out to the living room with everyone else, giggling like crazy.

"Whats so funny?" Sapnap asked, confused.

George just shook his head and made grabby hands towards Dream.

"Wow, no love for us George?" Bad asked acting as if he was offended.

"You have Sapnap. " Georgss words slightly slurred together as he walked to Dreams open arms.

George looked up and kissed dream, receiving ews from the other two.

When dream pulled away, he noticed a lingering taste on his lips.

"George,' He started.


Bad and Sapnap both knew what was to come, as they were already laughing their asses off.

"Are you drunk?" He emphasized the "drunk."

Georges giggles reappeared with a grin now.

Dream chuckled, facepalming.

"What did you drink?" He seemed genuinely curious as none of them were big on drinking. It was an occasional thing when they did it.

"Apple juice." He white lied.

"Uh huh." Sapnap butted in.

"Sapnappp," George pulled sapnap into a large hug.

"Stealin yo man," Sapnap lifted George off the floor and walked away.

"Literally." Bad finished for him.

"Oh no, help, Dream save me." He yelled dramatically as Sapnap held onto him.

Dream walked over to the two and picked up George from Sapnaps arms, he was light.

"Okay, I saved you. Time to sleep."

Bad already left to go to bed and Sapnap planned on sleeping soon.

"Noo." He pouted.

"I'll buy you donoughts tomorrow." He bribed.

"Mmm..and unlimited kisses?"

"And unlimited kisses."

Sapnap gagged at the two jokingly before heading off to his own room.

George wrapped his arms around Dreams neck as he carried him.

"Fine." After finally agreeing, Dream carried George to his bed for the fun of it.

While George was drifting to sleep under his blankets, Dream changed into something more comfortable like a tee-shirt and sweats. Before joining George on the bed, he turned off the light and set his phone on the bedside table.

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