Chapter 46

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The four o’clock afternoon sunlight streamed through the French windows, pouring onto the ceramic tiles in the dark bedroom. The room temperature showed 27.5 degrees Celsius, good humidity level. The air circulation system carried a bit of the cold and raw scent of snow, warming the cold air a little and transporting it in. The thin layers of linen curtains beside the window slowly shook in the flowing air.

  This bedroom was located at the end of the second-floor corridor. It was a guest room, ordinarily rarely used. At this time, Tong Yan was sleeping on the bed. It was only a twin sized bed, a bit bigger than the bed he napped on during school lunch breaks, but still not as big as an average double bed. Zhuo Xiang Ming had gathered him up in his arms. The posture was a bit awkward in comparison, with two feet stretched outside of the bed.

  As for why here of all places? The reason was that that morning, Zhuo Xiang Ming wanted to go downstairs to cook for Tong Yan, but the two were inseparable, he had no choice but to carry Tong Yan with him. The result was that they were also all over each other in the kitchen, and it took more than an hour for the fried rice to be cooked and eaten.

  After eating, Tong Yan felt exhausted, he couldn’t even open his eyes. Zhuo Xiang Ming carried him up the staircase near the kitchen, but unexpectedly, just a few steps into their journey, the estrus fever started up again, and the omega wrapped himself around him, groaning. In between coaxing, Zhuo Xiang Ming pushed the door to the nearest room open.

  The bed wasn’t big enough, and Tong Yan wasn’t physically strong enough. The alpha could only try his best to restrain his strength — he thought that he had already restrained everything, but in reality, he found a complete mess at the end:

  The floor lamp had fallen over, the single bed had shifted out of its original position, and the two nightstands that had been bumped into were leaning at crazy angles —but this was tolerable, somehow, the duck down quilt was torn, the stuffing fluttering chaotically, causing immediate sneezing when it floated to the tip of the nose.

  When he snapped out of it, Zhuo Xiang Ming felt that he was unlikely to have been troubled by a quilt, suspecting that Tong Yan had bitten or scratched it open.

  He hugged Tong Yan’s shoulder, lightly kissing Tong Yan’s forehead across his hair.

  Tong Yan was deeply sunk into the soft mattress, facing Zhuo Xiang Ming, the big quilt covering his shoulders, face buried in a soft pillow. Only his soft black hair and a bit of profile was exposed, sleeping deeply, naturally unable to respond to his baseless accusation.

  But the fact was that he couldn’t bear to bully Tong Yan, he was even jealous of the quilt Tong Yan was clutching in his embrace. He tugged it away and occupied the omega’s arms, real childishness was unreasonable.

  The intervals were getting longer, and Tong Yan was getting more and more sober. This should be the last wave of estrus fever. It stopped on the 25th of the 12th lunar month, ending two days later than Zhuo Xiang Ming had planned.

  Along with the omega’s soberness, the alpha would also break out from the estrus state, returning to a normal state, rational, restrained, and also beginning to reflect … Zhuo Xiang Ming held his breath.


  Tong Yan’s sleep quality had skyrocketed during estrus. In his limited sober time, besides Zhuo Xiang Ming’s incredible possessiveness, this was one of the few things he had pondered over.

  Just close your eyes, no dreams or sweat, sleeping for several hours.

  What he was amazed at was actually a normal physiological phenomenon. Under the condition that the alpha operated properly, inciting the estrus to steadily start, the bodily functions naturally prepared for the estrus. For sex and conception, the body’s state was ready to adjust.

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