Chapter 73: Duel

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Draco's POV

*weeks later*

Kat and I were back to our regular routine, everyone had found out we had gotten back together, and while some like that Longbottom boy were happy (for Kat more than for me), others like Blaise and that Weasley girl didn't quite share their happiness. However I couldn't be too mad at the Weasley girl, after all, she helped Kat discover that as long as she takes The Potion at about the same time, she should be fine, that's actually when Weasley discovered we had gotten back together. However, Kat, having the alpha female personality that she has, quickly made sure Ginny wouldn't bother either of us about it.

Our meeting that Sunday was... interesting to say the least. Kat struggled to be in the same room with her birth father, who constantly mocked her about how many times she refused to become a death eater but did so in an instant to help me. Thankfully, he thought she was on Voldemort's side now, and he didn't try to harm her anymore. I had a serious talk with my father about that, I warned him that if he ever tries to lay a hand on her ever again, we are done. I don't care if he cuts me off financially. We're done.

The common room had people scattered all around, some studying, some joking around, and Kat and I were now leaning on each other as we sat in the emerald green loveseat. I read House of Spirits while aimlessly tracing random patterns on Kat's leg. Kat had her textbook open and studied for Charms class while running her fingers mindlessly through my hair. We were both comfortable in our positions, and rejoiced in how comfortable we felt around each other now, no secrets, no lies. Not anymore.

"You really think so? I mean, sure she's bright, but surviving out there with death eaters at their tails? Doubt it." Oh no. Parkinson had come in with Crabbe and Goyle and was running her mouth as always. This is why I hate talking to you. Pure bullshit comes out of your mouth. I noticed Kat stopped running her fingers through my hair and stiffened at the sound of her voice, more so at knowing she was talking about her friends and sister. "She's booksmart, but won't be able to survive out there for long. They'll find them, that is, if they're still alive. The mudblood is probably dead already." Shit. Kat slammed her textbook closed and stood up, wand in hand. I closed my book and stood up just as she did, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"She's not worth it baby, let's go." I tried to speak to her gently but she shoved me off, and I knew that whatever she was about to do, there's no stopping her. Well, if you can't beat them, join them. I followed her as she walked over to Parkinson threateningly and couldn't help but admire how amazing she looked. With the speed of her walk, the wind flowed through her hair, making it flow back as she walked, she held on tightly to her wand, and she had determination and anger written all over her face. Yeah, my girl's beautiful.

"What did you just say?!" Kat demanded.

"Oh nothing, just that if I was you, I wouldn't expect your dear sister to come back home. Don't bother buying a birthday present, she won't have many more of those left." Woah. That crossed a line.

"I'm so fucking tired of you!" Kat raised her wand to Parkinson's face but Parkinson made no move to back away. Stupid.

"DUEL!" One of the idiot boys in the common room yelled and everyone gathered around us.

"Duel? My pleasure." Parkinson smiled arrogantly. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Stop being so stupid.

"It's about time." Kat said, and now both their wands were raised at each other, but they had both stepped back to the distance required in a duel and we had all backed away for our own safety.

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