Day 7 Farewell Kazuki

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Kazuki 3rd PoV

Today was Kazuki's last day here and he'll be going back to hell

"Well dad, today's the day" Kazuki said as he was sitting on the chair sipping tea Kikuko made

"Yes it is now brat before you go I want a spar" Kazuki smirked

"Alright dad I'll be waiting outside with Kikuko" Kazuki got up from his chair drank all his tea and went outside

Few minutes later

Kazuki looked at his father and smiled

"Who knew I'll be fighting you again dad" Araya smiled back

"Same here son, you better not fail me now" Kazuki smirked and shook his head

"I won't"

"3,2,1, Go!" Kikuko called out

Kazuki started with 3 shurikens in his hand and threw them straight to his dad

He dodged all of them and then hopped three steps back

"This is what I like to see from my own son, and not the other" Araya then focused on his presence

"Fire Wall Jutsu" Araya summoned a Wall of Fire while Kazuki was still running

Kazuki stopped mid range he then ducked and elbowed his father's stomach and kicked his head to the ground and spring boarded from his head to the ground

"Fire Jutsu: Burning Ash" Kazuki blew a load of fire dust from his mouth

"Damn" Araya got up and looked at Kazuki

"Use everything Kazuki" then Araya throws 4 Kunai's at Kazuki

"Breaking Point Time Five" Kazuki then jumped from the ground and dashed towards his father

"Fire cannon" Kazuki releases his own special attack but his father invaded

"Fireball Jutsu" Kazuki summons 3 large fireballs and throws them one by one to his dad but invades them

"Stage 1" Kazuki yells as he got angry

"Fire Punch" Kazuki dashed to his father ready to punch him but blocks it

Kazuki jumps back

He breaths and is focused

"Legendary Ninjutsu: Aura Manipulation" Kazuki has reached his max power and went towards his dad with six shuriken

Araya jumped back then Kazuki jumped throwing one shuriken towards his dad but he jump to the side then the other one and he jumped to the other side

This happen repeatedly with Kazuki throwing each shuriken and his dad dodging side to side

"Fire Wall Jutsu" Kazuki activated the jutsu and went straight towards the flames and jumped over it and turned to his dad who was distracted looking at the flames ready for Kazuki to get threw it

But Kazuki was behind him and

"FIRE CANNON!!!" he said loudly but Araya had no time to react and he was hit with a cannon of fire in his whole body

"Rahhhh" Araya was sent to a nearby mountain where the cannon stopped

"Good job dad" Kazuki said as he powered down

"Kazuki that was good of you but you lose"

"What!?!?" Surprised in shock, Kazuki looks behind him and it's his dad with one shuriken in his right hand and tossed it to him

Kazuki and his dad spared all day until dawn

Araya ended up winning

"Wow Kazuki we killed each other out there" Araya said as his pants was torn from his kneecaps down and his shirt ripped in half

Same for Kazuki but his whole ninja garb shirt was ripped all the way

"Well dad this is goodbye" Araya got up and stretched

"You're right brat" Kazuki stood up

"Also take care of my son" Kazuki request

"Hope I get to see you again someday son, I'll miss you and I'll make sure I'll look after my grandson" as he turned

Kazuki was gone

Kazuki 3rd Person PoV

I was at the Ninja Seeking Club and saw it was empty due to it being nighttime

"I'm going to miss you guys" as he touched the door he faded into the air

"Merry Christmas from me to you guys thank you for everyone who read this book from April till now, stay safe out there"

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