Clashing Supernova's (2)

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Ren began as he punched once in the gut

"Huh I'm guessing you're more of a swordsman then I thought"

Kyoto kneed Ren in the gut making him spit out saliva

"Weak" she tossed him over her shoulder and slammed him to the ground

"Yeah your pathetic" Kyoto looks at Oka

"Hurry and heal Oka" Oka looks at Kyoto and chuckles

"You heard the women Nanao" said Oka

"Very well" Nanao touched Ren

"Drain" she then placed her hand on Oka's back

"Transfer" as the process was complete Oka got up like nothing happened

"Okay I'm ready Oka went for a punch which Kyoto was unprepared for and flying straight for a few seconds

Oka ran as fast as a flying Kyoto and stopped right behind her

"Alright Kyoto get ready for my ultimate attack" Oka was ready for a punch as she gathered half her energy in one fist

Once Kyoto got to her destination Oka punched Kyoto from the back to her chest

"Now that one hurt, probably I should have a kids with the Kazuki drawing, well if he can even shot out semen" Oka looked at Kyoto from behind

"Oh I'm sorry" as she pulled her fist out and dropped the Kyoto body on the floor

"I think this is going to be the only time we're going to see Oka like this" Ren nods his head in agreement

Enju close to being able to claim victory but Rojo hangs on

"Damn if only"

"Damn Saion-ji"

As they both forcefully pushed they're nova's both of them merge making it bigger than it was before


Both of them stop pushing giving Enju a break

"So this is what happens when we pushed for a long time" Rojo amazed at the sight

"Now this will get rid of them" but first

Rojo looks at the dead soldiers and the rest who still have their head

"Hypnosis" he glared at the remaining with head

"Now attack the rest of the Ninja Seeking Club also don't bother Enju" Rojo looked at the nova and placed his hands over it and began to push

"Oh no" Enju got back up and concentrates to push the nova back

"I need more time to rest and I can't help this pain in anymore" she speak out loud

As Akari throws the last few punches to knock Naganobu down she turns and looks

"Enju I'm coming" Akari runs to Enju's aid

As she's next to Enju she holds her hand up also pushing it back

"Akari" Enju shocked her best friend was next to her helping her out in the all out fight

"Enju even when you're in trouble I'll be here next to you helping you till the day I die, I've always been like this haven't I" Enju looks at Akari with only shock

Akari has never talked like this in the 2 years we've known each other

"Akari...." Enju was left speechless

"Enju do what you have to do I'll keep pushing this this with all my might" Enju Nods and let's go getting on one knee

"Thank you, Akari" she gets up and goes to Nanao

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