A New Mission, A New Life

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After a long time I fell unconscious there was one who found me and it was no other than my servant "Master!!!" Oka ran up to my crushed body and saw a man far away from me. She went up to the man and he had a huge hole

Oka saw a dead Isamu "Just what happen here" Oka turn her attention back to Kazuki but found he wasn't breathing, so as quickly as she cried, she picked Kazuki up and took him back to the village

She took him to the medical room and was put into a coma "Kazuki-dono don't leave me" Oka sat by him day in day out

Six Months Later Kazuki was still breathing and Oka was still by him, depression kicked in the 4th month of his coma. Mr. Araya comes in from time to time to check if his son will ever wake up but lately he's been doing a lot as chief

A month later Kazuki woke up, Oka was asleep and it was dark "What happen" just as he move it hurt him "Damn him" Kazuki turned to Oka and saw her sleeping, he put his hand on hers and she woke up "Huh? What time is it?" She spoke softly, that when she saw him and let out tears

"Kazuki-dono!" Oka cries on his lap "Hey, Oka I'm still hurt" Oka got of his lap and kissed him right on gus lips. "Hey what was that for" Kazuki blushed "You had me worried tou stupid Master" 'Oka, A tsundere' Kazuki couldn't believe it but that didn't matter to him, what matters is that he gets to see his servant everyday from now on

After Kazuki was released from the hospital, Araya wanted to throw a late birthday party but Kazuki decline as he felt like he was dead in that coma. After all that treatment he had to go through he began training for the 3rd tournament and sure enough it payed off as he won the tournament

A few years later Kazuki was 15 and the 4th tournament was held and there he met a girl with her father right after all that Kazuki ended up fighting the girl in the last round

"So what's your name?" Kazuki said while doing a few stretches "My name is Carla" Kazuki smiled "My name is Kazuki" Kazuki was done with his stretches and they began fighting

The fight last 25 minutes, Carla was strong as Kazuki could feel it throughout their fight, so he used a trump card that helped him win

"Carla let's finish this" Carla nods as they had the fight dragging for to long. They charged at each other like gladiators using mix moves in between their breaking point until Kazuki grabbed her in a full nelson

"Carla you are strong but I feels like your hiding your current power" Carla didn't know what he meant by that "but for now let's leave it at that, Reverse Flash" The ball of energy hit the both of them hurting Carla more than Kazuki

She fell to the ground while Kazuki was on one knee. Kazuki won and had to go to Kikuko because of a new mission

Kazuki went up a mountain near the village and sat next to his Master "So Kikuko what's up?" Kikuko looked at her young student "Kazuki there's a new mission for you and you are the right person for it" Kazuki looked at her as he wanted her to spit it out already "So remember that guy who recruited you" Kazuki nodded as he can't forget Isamu

"It seems like he's been alive for these past few years" Kazuki couldn't believe it "But I killed him" Kazuki yelled "It seems like he was alive as where Oka took us that day, he vanished" Kazuki frowned "Did you tell my dad I'll be leaving the village for a while" Kikuko nods "Good so where should I go?" Kikuko looked at him happy "You'll start at a school called Misaki High School" Kazuki understood and left to pack some stuff

Present Time

"And that is where it lead to the events" Everyone looked at him "Hey Kazuki" Yamabuki called out "Yeah?" He replied "Where does Yuto come in the story?" Lily blushed and Yamabuki laughed. Kazuki threw a book at her and she was in pain

Kazuki gets up with his son in his arm and takes him to his crib as he enters his room he thought of killing one man that story reminded him 'I'll find you Sanzo and put and end to you' Kazuki went outside and looked at a tree. A figure stood up on it

"Sanzo" is all he said as he went back inside

Shit I'm almost done just 2 pages to go and it'll all be over. After that I'll take a long break them add 20 new chapter one new book

Nah maybe not I'll probably let the rest of the story go to your imagination and delete the future plans I had for this story

Anyways Thanks for the people who made it this far, I know all you people out their started school while next Monday I start mine so I intend to finish my story before school starts for me so this book won't be bothering me

Now that it's almost a wrap you guys can read the next 2 chapters when ever you have time as I close this fanfic. Thank you to the 3 people who made it this far

If I had 300 dollars I'd give it to all of you 3 but I'm broke

2 years of me doing this I was only 14 now I'm 17. CRAZY

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