Legendary vs Legendary

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Kazuki went for her head but she blocked it with her forearms

"Just give up you have no chance against me nor the ninja seeking club" he angrily said

"Yes I do and I'll show you how" just then Kazuki looks behind him and sees a Obnubi Ninja behind him

He quickly gets rid of him with a fireball to his face killing him instantly

"Well Kazuki if you like killing so much then kill me you ignorant shit" Kyoto unleashes a her full power causing another earthquake around the world

"Damn what did I get myself into" Kazuki now scared looked at Kyoto her purple hair floating her figure a little less curvy and gain a little muscle

Her ninja garb now stretched and a face of anger

"Shit, well then let's do this, Legendary Ninjutsu" Kazuki got taller anger took over and his mind went blank

"HAHAHHAHAHA, Well I sure did need this power this time" Kazuki said in a menacing voice

"Well shall we get started" Kyoto said

"Hahaha, Just remember I haven't mastered this power yet so my power is MENACING" Kazuki raged as he charged towards Kyoto and punched her making her bleed in a instant

"Impossible" Kyoto looked at Kazuki as she was still flying

She hits the ground leaving a line of dirt

Kazuki walks up to her and picks her up by the throat

"I'll make sure I kill you before anyone else does" Kyoto tried so hard to loosen Kazuki's grip but there was no way out

Kyoto was gasping for air

Kazuki loosen the grip and put both of his hand onto Kyoto's head

He forcefully squeeze Kyoto's head making her scream

Kazuki laughed as he was enjoying it

Kyoto had enough of the pain and kick Kazuki in the stomach

Kazuki loosened a little and it was enough for Kyoto to escape

"Ninjutsu: Phantom Night" Kazuki in raged charged

Soon it was all black and Kazuki couldn't move

"There's no Way you could have done this, you're not even Fuma" Kazuki struggled to move

As he struggles to move Kyoto kicks, punches, and uppercuts him still Kazuki couldn't do nothing

Kazuki powers down

While he gets punched and kicked he concentrates

"Barrier" Kazuki makes himself a energy barrier as he can now move but can't see Kyoto

"Finally my Barrier has been upgraded after all that training in hell" Kazuki said to himself as the shining aura glows around him

"What do you mean by-" A explosion is released by Kazuki putting the Phantom Night Barrier down

"What?!?!!!" Kyoto in shock looks at Kazuki

"So this is incomplete power" A shiny golden figure with white eyes said

"K-Kazuki" Kyoto stuttered

"Hmph" Kazuki goes up to her in a instant and punches her face causing her to have a black eye and a bloody nose

He goes behind her and elbows her back breaking her spine

"AHHHHH" Kyoto screamed like never before

As she was falling Kazuki was waiting and kicked her ribs breaking them

"Here goes" Kyoto rolled over a few times after that kick

Kazuki then releases a load of fireballs and directly hits Kyoto burning her but was still alive

"DAMN YOU KAZUKI" She yelled in agony

As Kyoto was burning

Kazuki then got his Flame Cannon ready he tossed it but instead of it being a normal it exploded as it hit Kyoto

Kyoto screams as she is burned to ashes

"So it just incomplete Fire Cannon" the golden form breaks off Kazuki and turns to dust

Kazuki gets on one knee and vomits a little blood

"What is this a new form or is it an ascended version of Stage 1?" Kazuki questioned

But there was silence

Then the silence was interrupted by slow clapping and a family voice

"Well done my lover but know that you're on one knee I can't tell if your tired or proposing" Kazuki eyes widens and turns around and sure enough is Kyoto

"What-, Damn it I should have known" Kazuki slams his fist on ground

"I knew that you had that special power hidden that's why I activated the Night Barrier so you could concentrate on getting it out"

"So you knew, hehehe, funny how you knew but" Kazuki takes something from his pocket

The golden dragon fruit he took a bite and his energy burst through out the forest

"This time you won't escape from me" Kyoto said

"Same goes to you" as Kazuki continues to eat the further and fully finish it leaving the extra seed in his pocket

Kazuki burst his power once again and cut down a few trees

"That's more like it now then let's begin"

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