Round 2: Enju Vs. Kazuki

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Kazuki looked towards Enju

"Let's have some fun asswipe" Dark then charged at her with the Kamuy on one hand

Hitting her on the arm but at the same time not a single drop of blood came out

But someone else blocked it from her

"Oka-san" Dark looks to his left side

"Kazuki-Dono that's enough" as the pink hair girl palm was cut

"Oka-san do you really think I'm Kazuki would Kazuki do this" I lifted Enju up by using levitation and slammed her towards a locker

"I don't know who you are but leave Kazuki-dono body alone" Dark laughs at the comment

"I can never leave, the only way I can leave is if Kazuki dies so we both will be set free and go to the otherworld" Dark laughs

"You got this Enju" Oka whispered as she ran out of the school

"Huh? Ran off before I could start with her, doesn't matter my target is–" Enju jumps off the locker in lighting speed and punched Dark in the face

"Come at me Kazuki, I'll make sure you pay" Dark grins and gets ready

Kazuki and Enju charged towards each other, Kazuki lands the first punch but was blocked by Enju's forearm

Enju finds a opening and punches Dark in the gut

Dark looks at her and since he found no openings he just punched her in a speed even Enju couldn't keep up with

'What kind of training this guy went through' Enju thought

Enju off guard gave Dark the opportunity to find a opening and he found it on the sides

He kicked her right side causing her to lower her hand and as that he began to punch her rapidly

"Shadow Clone jutsu" Dakr made another one of himself and it sure was Kazuki was in that body

He didn't hesitate but punched Enju

Both Dark and Kazuki ganged up on Enju and put her in her place

"Enju was laying down bloody up" Dark looks at Kazuki

"Alright Kazuki you had your fun now it time for you to be put back" Dark said

"Let's get out of here she's losing consciousness" Kazuki then head on his way out

But Dark didn't budge

"It's all going as plan once I kill the both of them I'll go back to Lily and Tsukuyomi" as Kazuki left the school he looked at it

"Wind" Kazuki then flew to the sky

Kazuki PoV

"Destroying both them and the school is all I ask" I then lift my hand up waiting for the right moment

It took a while but now I have made it a supernova on the palm of my hand

As I down towards the school I can tell that's the only thing it can destroy for now

I tossed it toward the school and everyone who didn't make it out died, a few died from a mile radius and several were injured but now I knew it was over or so I thought

"Back in you go" I felt a hand go through my chest and it was no other then Dark

I then disappeared

At the cave

"I'm home" I yelled, as I see Tsukuyomi run over they were proud after what I told him or should I say after I hypnotize him

"Well Sir I finally took over this fool's body now Tsukuyomi we'll give them a week to train" I said

After a few moments I haven't seen Lily

"Hey Tsukuyomi where's Lily"

"She went shopping" Tsukuyomi said

"Oh okay"

'When she comes back she'll become my puppet as well'

"Well Plan B is to get rid of all the ninjas and end humanity once that happens we'll start again with me and Lily" Dark said as Tsukuyomi nods in agreement


Before Enju could have died Oka was still in the school

She ran up 2 flights of stairs and found Enju half unconscious

She picked her up and jumped off a window

She fell and rolled she then picked Enju up again and ran for it

Once they were safe Enju looked at Oka, Akari, Yamabuki, and Myu

"Thanks Oka" and she got up

"We'll have to train for a week at least and find them before they kill us all" Oka and the rest were confused

"What do you mean Enju?" Yamabuki asked

"The guy that possessed Kazuki talked to someone named Tsukuyomi on the phone and were arguing about something" Enju explained

"Well did you pick up anything?" Akari asked

"Yeah he said that he'll remove all the ninjas and destroy humanity so this world could start all over again and make sure it stays perfectly populated" Enju said

"Alright let's ask Kikuko" Everyone nods in agreement and run off to find her

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