The Unsuspecting Reunion

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Akari PoV

It's been 2 days since Kazuki went missing, I checked his dorm in the first day and I'm going to have another look again, if he made it back

I see Enju and ask if she has seen Kazuki "Enju, have you seen Kazuki anywhere?" I asked her

"No but I also do need you to bring him to me, he's been gone for 2 days now" Enju added

"Oh, so you found a liking to Kazuki now, do we?" Akari smirked

"It is nothing like that, im just simply concern if he's not just fake sicking just to ditch school" Enju blushed trying to defend herself

"Fine Tsundere" Akari smirked

"I am not a tsundere" Enju shouts

"Alright Enjudere"

"Stop calling me names"


I went back to Kazuki's dorm and grabbed the spare key from one of Kazuki's friend name John

I went to his dorm and slightly knocked "Kazuki are you home?" I called out

I look through his window but the curtains were in the way so I used the key and went inside

I went through his home and checked every door but came out empty

"Was it because I confessed the other day" I said to myself

No it can't be, that would be the dumbest thing I have ever said but there is this pain in my chest that tells me otherwise

"What is this pain?" I questioned as I hold my chest

As I was in thought, I decided to leave his dorm and come back again tomorrow to have another look

I left through the front door and locked it behind me and ran off before the lady of the dorms saw me

Hanao Residence

I went home and went straight to my room and let out a few tears

My mom walks in my room as she saw me sprinting to my room

"Honey what's wrong?" My mother asked

"Kazuki... and my heart, my heart hurts when i think about him mom, he hasnt shown up to school and hasn't been in his dorm and I'm way to worried" Akari sobbed out her word

"Oh Akari, you just miss him that's all, did you know that I had that same pain when I couldn't see your father at times?"

"You did?" She sniffles

"Yeah I did but now that he's gone i have to live like this with a pain in my chest but I forget about it sometimes, but who knows maybeyou do love him after all" Mari gave her daughter a smile

"Mom!!!!" Akari embarrassingly said

"Why were you sobbing then?" Mari said crossing her arms

"Maybe you are right I'm always looking at him and do like staying beside him" Akari said as she stood true to her feelings

"There we go, it wasn't that hard to stay true to your feelings, was it now?" Mari asked

"You're right, Mom, I do love him" Akari smiled

"I know you do, now stay here while I go and prepare dinner" Mari said as she got up from her daughter's bed

"Okay, mom" Akari smiled

Mari PoV

"I'll call you down when it's ready"

Kazuki, did he catch you or did you let him catch you

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