Day 3

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I woke up next to Oka

Kazuki was dumbfounded and he woke up

"Ahhhhhh" Oka woke up and blushed

"Oh Kazuki-dono" she said shyly

"Oka get out of my bed" she did as told

"Oh by the way Master, Happy Birthday!" Wait what I look at the calendar and what do you know birthday boy

"Oka you still remembered" I said as I got out of bed

"Yep, I have to know everything" she sparked with happiness

"Well, Oka get ready in a few were gonna go to the Thanksgiving party, Okay" she nodded as she left my dorm and headed to her's

"Man I'm surprised no one noticed the halo" i said as i got in the shower

I was out the shower and got a suit ready

"Kazuki" I looked in the mirror

"When are you going to tell them" I said but I laughed it off

"I'll be alive one day so no worry, besides they'll find out" I left my dorm and started walking in the forest

"Man this is the first time I ever fixed my hair" I kept walking as I got close to the barrier of Daikou

"Alright let's go through" I entered and I was in the Daikou Village

"Home sweet home" I guess I should drop out of school and just come back here

I kept walking and I saw the others from the seeking club standing in front of my dad's house

"Heya guys" I said as they looked at me and ran to me

"Kazuki!!" Lily hugs and as she hold a infant

"Wow Lily you had a baby brother all along" Lily chuckles

"No silly this is our kid" Kazuki stays there with a dumb smile

"So where's the husband?" Kazuki asks

"Right in front of me" Lily replies

Kazuki with another dumb smile and everyone else gasps

"So this is my kid" Kazuki said in a sad tone

"So when the condom broke it was because it couldn't handle my power" Kazuki said defeated

"Damn Fam" Yamabuki said

"But this is great I have a kid, let's go" Kazuki said cheerfully as he grabbed his kid and looked at him

Eyes like his mom, eye color like his dad and a mix of Kazuki and Lily's hair color

"Lily this is the best present I've ever seen, when's his birthday" Kazuki asked

"October 9th" Lily said

"So a month old" Kazuki then cradle his son

"Oh how you're doing my little boy" Kazuki smiled

"Kazuki sure isn't getting us anytime soon" Akari, Enju, Oka, and Ricka sighed

"Well let's go to Oka's place" Kazuki said as he carried his child

"Hey, Kazuki" I heard Akari's voice call out

"Yeah, what's up?"

"When are you going to join the club" I looked at her dumbfounded

"Akari remember I don't want to join I'll join when I feel like it okay" as I turned around and kept walking

"Well Kazuki was always like that" Lily then noticed something

"Kazuki, wait" I turned around again

"What is it Lily?" She pointed on my head

"What is that?" To many questions

"A halo" I said

"Kazuki, are you dead?" well obviously

"No it's just a accessory"

They all came over to me

"So what does this halo represent Senpai" Myu said

"Well I really have no idea but if it was for something to represent would be death but I never died" I lied as we continued walking

Then we made it to Oka's house and I knocked

Them the door opened

And so it was Mr.Kazamatsuri

"Kazuki, son you made it " I'm greeted for Oka's dad but he looked at my son

"Is that your brother" I shook my head no

"No, he's my son I apparently had and he sure is cute" Kazuki smiled

"Yeah he sure is" Mr.Kazamatsuri began to tear up

"Dad what's wrong" Oka looks at me

"Oh Kazuki your babysitting" Kazuki shoke

Kazuki tells Oka everything

"Congratulations Kazuki I'm happy" Oka said as she turns around and goes to the bathroom and begins crying

"Oh son your finally here I'm hungry, oh who's the kid"

"Mine" Kazuki said as Araya snatched him

"Kazuki he mostly looks like Lily" Araya then hugs his grandson

His grandson laughs

"Well those two are going to get along"

then a whole feast comes out

"Thanks Ms.Kazamatsuri, Itadakimasu" Everyone said as everyone digged in

"Kazuki how about a sparring match" Araya said

"Sure thing old man" they went outside and went to an empty field as everyone else was there

"Now that I'm stuffed, Stage One: Maximum Power" Kazuki blood flowed through his body and went to his max strength

"Gave up to become a martial artist instead of a swordsman Kazuki" Araya said

"Let's go and let's show my son what I'm really made of" Kazuki and Araya went all out

Both beating the hell out of each other and dodging

Once it was 40 minutes Kazuki and Araya were tied

"Damn, Araya your son did show you" Kazuki said

"Shut it Kazamatsuri that's why your daughter is stronger than you" Oka felt flattered

They all went inside and slept the night Kazuki's child slept on Oka's bed with Lily

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, thank you to all who read my story this far and I'll make sure to get better at this

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