Being Used All This Time

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Kazuki came back from his final mission "I mean I guess this is my final mission as I did serve Master for a long time, well going back home will be awkward" Kazuki went inside and went to his room so he could change from his damage garb

When Kazuki put his clothes he grabbed his garb and went to the women who sews clothes bit he was stopped by Enju "Hey Kazuki what you got there?" Enju asked "Just my damaged clothing" Enju looked at Kazuki for being careless

"Come to my room I'll fix them up and make sure they don't look like that ever again" Enju offered, knowing Enju Kazuki couldn't refuse. The two went to her room and once Kazuki entered it was just a plain room

"Surprised" Enju said, Kazuki looked at her as he gave a nod "I thought you'd be more of a girly time in the inside" Enju laughed "Well Kazuki just take a seat and I'll get started" Kazuki sat on the chair Enju pointed at

While Enju was fixing up his garb Kazuki asked "So why did you join Master Tsukuyomi?" Enju smiled "He helped me find a way out of an organization my grandfather made" Kazuki didn't say anything else

As Enju was done a few minutes later Kazuki looked at his garb and smiled on how good it looked "Thank you Enju" as he hugged her, Enju became flustered and pushed Kazuki away

"Yeah, Yeah just get out" Kazuki left her room "Damn you, why talk to Lily when I'm right here, I'll make sure to give you a good beating before you–" Enju couldn't finish that sentence as it hurt her own heart

"I can't kill him" She began to tear up "Tsukuyomi, I'll make sure you don't kill him" it was bed time and Tsukuyomi finished the scroll

"Now Kazuki I'll call you over"

It was early in the morning and Tsukuyomi called everyone out

Everyone from Lily, Enju, Kazuki and the Tsukuyomi army "Today is the day my student will be released as he learned everything from me, from what I taught him I have unlocked his true power" Everyone cheered and clapped while Lily and Enju smiled and clapped

"Kazuki you've learned a lot from your ability to multiply your strength, speed, reflexes and your power to the higher one you rarely use where your mind stays calm and use all your strength at once without getting tired" Kazuki smiled as he looked at his Master on the stage with Lily and Enju standing next to him

"What I'm trying to say Kazuki is that your a danger to the Ninja world and the real world" Tsukuyomi snapped his fingers "Hold him" Lily and Enju grabbed Kazuki by his arm

"Hey Master is this a joke" Kazuki paniced "Sorry Kazuki but–" Tsukuyomi let out a hand gesture, so Lily and Enju can do whatever they want to him

Lily kneed his stomach while Enju punched him "Damn you" is what Kazuki muttered out "I lost my Mother, my friends, left everything behind to serve your ass and this is how you pay me" Tsukuyomi looked at Kazuki "Call me Isamu" Tsukuyomi punched Kazuki "Since I'm no longer your Master and you helped me get this scroll, I guess your death should be painless and quick"

"Now let the ceremony begin" Everyone cheered

"Not on my watch" Kazuki powered up and headbutted both Lily and Enju together "Well I guess my brother has an effected attack" Kazuki charged up the attack from his late brother

"Fire Cannon" a burst of flames came out his hand "Not bad kinda like a burst shotgun but with a long range" Kazuki then looks at Tsukuyomi, with fury in his eyes he charged at him but Isamu dodges his incoming punch

"Who trained you all this time? I know your every move" Kazuki knew he was right but he refused to believe anything that man said at this point

Kazuki leaps back from where Isamu is standing and looks at him "So I'm predictable huh?" Tsukuyomi smiled "Maybe you are, maybe your not, who know maybe those two would know" Kazuki look to where he pointed, Lily and Enju jumped Kazuki

"Coward" Kazuki charged towards them with a few punches with his ability still activate not knowing it was due his anger. Once Kazuki got done with him he remembered the scroll but I was too late, something happen to Tsukuyomi as he laughed while he was growing and growing to the point he became a titan

"Now what Kazuki, you have nothing, Nothing, no one can save you know not your father, your Master Kikuko and especially not your servant Oka" Just like that Kazuki felt defeated

"But before your death I'll give you one last chance, leave and you'll never see me again" Kazuki looked at him. "I'll make sure you never see me again" Kazuki got in position "Even if I can beat you, My Legendary form will" Kazuki looked afraid

He took a deep breathe and said the two words "Legendary Ninjutsu" Kazuki grew, gain muscle and became insane "Maybe not Kazuki but me, Dark" Dark looked at Enju and Lily who were getting up "I guess like you said Isamu, these girls are like daughters to you" Dark activated a Flame Cannon hitting his targets

Isamu got angry and stepped where Kazuki was standing "You Bastard" stopping the ground multiple times. Dark was on Isamu shoulder "Over here" as he punched his face then continues to rapidly punch it with one last full powered strike

Isamu still didn't fall "Man your tough but not tough to dodge this" Dark got behind his head. "This is a move Kazuki hates using but he made it up so I'll be using it" Dark made sure Isamu stayed in place "I guess my punches made you stay in place so take this, Reverse Flash" a ball of energy was in front of Isamu at hit both him and Dark

"Yeah your down for the count, Now your finished" Dark was going for a shallow strike but Isamu grabbed him

"What?!?" With force he crushed Kazuki "Ahhhhh!!!" He yelled in pain as he felt on the solid ground "You don't hurt my girls, now die" just in the nick of  time Lily used a spear to cut Isamu ankle, Enju went in a used a lighting strike to put him to his knees but he still overpowered all of them so Enju he one last card up her sleeve "Kazuki I love you, Lily please take care of him" She said to her self as she took out what look to be a flashbang and pressed a button as she threw it in the air

Kazuki knee what it was and so did Lily but ran away before that could cause something, Kazuki covered his eyes and Tsukuyomi grinned. Enju was the only one that was hit but left immediately before her memories, still Kazuki doesn't remember anyone except he had to defeat Isamu, Lily never returned as she forgotten all about what happened and wondered off and Enju can't remember anyone except her grandpa.

While Tsukuyomi was distracted Kazuki took his chance and powered his body to the max with now his body burning up as he was crushed he yelled out Shallow Strike and with one punch, Kazuki finished his battle "Curse you Child" Tsukuyomi Isamu was down once and for all

Kazuki was happy but it came with a price

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