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Kazuki: "Man what the heck happened"

Akari: "Well you were on the ground passed out for who knows how long

And you been unconscious for 2 hours already"

Kazuki: "Man really" Kazuki rubbed his head as he remembered

"Wait where's the girl named Myu"

Kazuki PoV

Yep that's me I'm in the hospital but how did I get there well let's take it back a few days ago

I was accepted to a school called Misaki High School, My father was the one who knew because I told him

I told him I'll call him when I get there which was yesterday but last night I was tired from all this moving in so I passed out on my bed

[But this is where my first day begins]

Kazuki: 'Well time to hit the shower'

I get in the shower and begin my day after eating some cereal

I walk down the street and I noticed the real reason I was here, I have to take down a threat who I worked for before, I thought had already died but escaped with a wound on his chest

"Huh? This is a long walk to school I wonder where she is"

Suddenly I hear two voices behind me one is from a blonde girl and another one is from a dark brown haired girl

I ignored them and continued my walk, I was still thinking how someone like him was still alive after I killed him five years ago

While I was in thought I bumped into a pole and landed on my butt

The girls from earlier noticed as I was in front of 'em

"Hey?! Are you okay?" The blonde haired girl asked me. "Akari don't help him, I sense hentai in him" The dark brown girl said but now it reminds me where I seen her "Come on he's hurt" The blonde girl said

"He just bumped into a pole what do you expect?" The blond shrugged her shoulders while I rubbed my forehead and get up like nothing happened

"Akari look he's fine now let's get going or we'll be late" The dark brown haired girl said. "Enju you never want to help any guys"

As Akari said Enju's name Kazuki got a small headache as he tried to recall the name Enju. "Huh? Are you okay?" Both girls said at the same time

I looked a the dark brown hair girl and got another small headache, I got up and bowed and to thank them for their concerns I left them behind and continue walking to school

"Wait? Didn't he wear the Male's uniform for Mizaki?" Akari asked. "Now that you mention it he did" Enju replied. "But I never seen him before, do you think he's a transfer student?" Akari asked "I guess he could be"

Akari giggled "Can't believe someone that cute gets transferred here" Akari whispered to herself "You say something?" Enju asked

"N-n-no I didn't say he was cute or anything weird like that" Akari didnt even try to hide it "Weirdo" Enju replied in disgust "Hey!" Akari said surprised

Kazuki finally made it to school as he was going to complete his mission on his first day

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