Back to School

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As I stated down at her I looked back at the computer and walked over it

"98% Completed"

(Now is my chance I can now destroy that computer) but as Kyoto was about to grab a shuriken

"Not so fast" Kazuki punches Kyoto as he also looks behind Kyoto to see his dad unharmed

"Woah, even someone like you can defeat them, I'm impressed" Kazuki said

"I'm your dad you know"

"Yeah sorry I knew that"

"100% completed... Project Cy is now ready to be activated" the computer said as I looked at the switch

"Hey, Father chop her neck will ya" Kazuki said as he was about to flip the switch

"Huh? Oh yeah sure" as Araya chopped her neck as she fell unconscious

"Cy your alive again" as Kazuki flipped the switch and she was activating

"Huh? What happened to me" Cy said in confusion

"I'm sorry Cy" as Kazuki ran over to her and hugged her like never before

"Huh? Onii-Chan what's wrong?" Cy said

"I killed you remember" Kazuki said

"Onii-Chan..."Cy was clueless

"Onii-chan didn't know you killed me" Cy said

"Cy I'll explain later but for now we have to go" Kazuki explained as he looks down

"Hey, Brat it's time to go backup is coming on its way" Araya said

"Yeah I know I sense their presence" as Kazuki looks back at Cy

"Come on Cy I'm taking you home with me"

"Okay" Cy said as she hopped on my back

"Hey dad"

"Yes Kazuki"

"Take Zina with us"

"Who's that?"Araya said in confusion

"Here let me show you, Flame Jutsu" as a I blew up the wall across the ripped open door

"That red haired chick right there" Kazuki said as he was pointing at Zina

"Are you sure, she won't snitch right" he said with a low tone voice

"She won't she rebuilt me, now let's go" Kazuki said as he broke a window with a shockwave

"Come on old man let's go"

As both of them left with a unconscious Zina and a rebuilt Cy

"Wait Kazuki didn't you say you threw the Kamuy to the Ninja girls or whatever they called" Araya said as he looks at his son while jumping tree to tree

"Yes I did but you were still in the tunnel were you" Kazuki said

"No I ran out before that boulder could crush me then when I was jumping I looked from afar where you were crushed now we have to retrieve the Kamuy" Araya said

"Well do you at least know who has it" Kazuki said

"No I really don't I left by the time whoever's picked it" Araya said

"But if I had a feeling it would be Oka or Enju" Araya said as they got to the Village in time before backup arrived

"Alright then I think I know what I have to do" Kazuki said as he look up in the sky


"Enju we're late hurry" Akari said as she's running late to school and Enju behind looking depressed

"Hey Enju what's wrong you usually hurry when you're late" Akari said

"Huh? Oh it's nothing I was just daydreaming" Enju said

"Huh? About what" Akari said

"You're so noisy Akari" Enju said as she had her suspicions face on

"It's not like I want to invade your privacy I'm just curious that's all" Akari said as she was waving her hand

Outta nowhere

"Hahaha let's go boys we got the money to pay of the boss"

"Yeah now we won't get our asses killed let's go"

"Huh?" Akari looked as three people in a car sped the speed limit

"Are those bank robber's?" Enju said

"Sure looks like it let's get them" Akari said as she ran over to the car

"Akari this isn't our job" Enju said as she ran to the car as well

"Invisible Wall Jutsu" as Akari was still running she activated a jutsu Kazuki taught her long ago

"See Enju, quick" Akari said as her antenna swung forward and back with a dumb smile as Enju just looked at her angrily

"Akari you could have handled this a whole lot better you know, like at least popping the tires with a shuriken" Enju said coldly

"Yeah but you know it had to be done now let's leave before they find us here" as Akari leaped over a fence

"Oh we're in school la-la-la" as she ran into school so she wouldn't be late

"She's just like a little child isn't she *giggles*" as Enju went to the school entrance and into her classroom surprisingly she was on time

As Enju took a surprising stare at the empty classroom she sat down and waited for the teacher

The teacher came walking in tell everyone to sit down as he called roll and gave a announcement

"Alright class I have a announcement to make as you know a few kids left the school, after graduation or because they didn't want to be here but one decided to come back and that kid is..." as the door slid open

"Well hello everyone been a long time since you guys saw me but some of you don't know me but let me introduce myself, I am Kazuki Araya"

standing there was a kid from long ago who has died but now was rebuilt and coming to take back what is his

"Woah what an entrance Kazuki"

"Yeah a real entrance"

"Thought he was gone"

"Wait isn't that the kid who killed 3 bullies"

"I can't believe my eyes" Akari said

"He's alive" Enju whispered

Kazuki where have you've been all this time

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