Battle Against The Legendary Ninja

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I took the girls hand and we were off but before I took her I never asked for her name

"Hey girl what's your na–" I felt something and it was strong

'What is this?' I asked myself as the presence got stronger and stronger by each step it took trying to get here. That's when I saw a kunai from afar and dodged it barely missing me

That's when I felt the cold breeze it gave when it went passed me "Kazuki, it seems like your life is still worth taking" A female voice said

'Damn I have to get the little one out of here before she gets caught in this fight, still I have to call her out'

"Come on out whoever you are" That was my first mistake as she charged with speed faster than the max of breaking point

She hit my gut and it hurt like a bitch "Damn, I'm definitely feeling this in the morning" that's when I took a look at the girl and if I was still anything like a perv I would smash, everything aside that kitsune mask looks cool

"Hold on aren't you–" she kicked me in the gut as I was still on the ground trying to recover

Even if I know her, she's out of her mind she couldn't have gotten this strong in a short amount of time

"This transformation will be the last thing you'll ever see, Legendary Ninjutsu" 5cm taller, little muscle mass gained and heartless

These where the 3 things that are contained by this transformation and the 4th was a foggy and berserk mindset

I looked at my opponent then that's when I noticed the little girl to my side

"Hey if I go way to far make sure to stop me by hitting right here" I said pointing at the back of my neck, the little girl nodded. That's when I felt the form taking over

Kazuki insane scream echoed throughout the the road, as he looked at his opponent, his golden eyes dash towards her and picked her up with a strong grip

"Enjoy this" slamming her into the concrete; without the chance of letting her scream he picked her up and slammed her again leaving a small crater

This time she screamed horrifically

"Oh no, Mistwer is gowing to bweak hewr in half" the little one said as she tries to think how will she hit his neck to stop the madness

"What if he has anowther fowm?" The girl think to herself as she thinks the other form stacking to his current form

That's when she had an idea and ran towards Kazuki who was being knocked back but kept the upper hand

"This is it" is what Kazuki said as he knocked her down "Hey, Mistwr" is what Cy said as Kazuki powered down

Kazuki fell giving out seconds later, being unconscious for a while as he soon woke up from his nap and looked around

A big crater on the ground and a few trees that fell on the ground as he was looking around he tried to get up but something heavy was on his lap and when he looked it was the little girl

He woke up the little girl "Hey little girl it time to wake up" the girl woke up as she looked at Kazuki with sleepy eyes

"Do you know what happened here?" Kazuki asked as the girl was awake and dumbfounded

"Mistwr you caused this" the girl said "I did, had a feeling, anyways, whats your name?" Kazuki asked the girl

"My name is Cy, C and Y, Cy" Kazuki smiled at Cy and hugged her "Glad your safe, Cy" Kazuki let her go as the ruble of concrete was lifted of by ice where the trees were at

"How did I get concrete over there?" Kazuki asking the right questions

The girl walks step by step as she takes off her mask

"That's what I like to see from the Legendary Ninja, Thank you Kazuki" as she fell once more

Kazuki looked at her and realized it was his best friend Ricka "Hey Cy, help me get Ricka to my dorm, we'll look for your mom tomorrow

Cy and Kazuki enter his dorm and laid Ricka on his bed "Cy you can sleep here" Kazuki laid a blanket and pillow

"Goodnight Cy" Kazuki said "Goodnight Onii-Chan" Kazuki smiled and sat on a chair waiting for Ricka to wake up "If only 'he' knew how much I looked up to him"

Ricka woke up a few minutes later As she looked at a unfamiliar place, she turns her head and sees Kazuki

She hugs her best friend and Kazuki wakes up from the sleep he started seconds ago "Kazuki I finally found you" Kazuki was confused as he has only been gone for a week

"Hey Ricka calm down" Kazuki yelled quietly" Ricka had a worried look on her face "Anyways what was that attack you had on me earlier

"I never remembered attacking you" Ricka said in a confused tone "So do you know what may caused what had happen?" Kazuki asked

"Well there was a guy that came up to me earlier and offered me a loaf of bread and since I haven't eaten for a week straight I took it" I mean who wouldn't take the offer

"Anyways I think it was a brainwashing potion they added in the load of bread and it got you acting the way you did" Ricka nods in agreement

"Still you should stay here for a while and I'll be your homeschool teacher, okay?" Ricka nodded

"Well get some rest" I went to my living room and laid on the couch "I ain't no fool and I will find you, you murderous bastard" Kazuki said as he dove in a slumber

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