Unknown Figure

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'What happened 6 years ago there's nothing that happened 6 years ago but the only thing that happened 6 years ago my training '

"Damn you Kazuki" Myu cursed

"You'll never understand what it is to be a ninja if you let whatever is that controlling you Momochi" Myu got angry

"Remember this Kazuki you promised not to hold back or you'll regret it" Myu powered up as her ripped outfit starts to rise up and rip apart

Myu dark ninja outfit exposed her legs and rip the left side of her chest now showing a cloth wrapped around her breast

"Now I understand why I shouldn't have held back so much but this times it real" Kazuki begins to power up to his latest and max potential

"Stage Two: Aura Manipulation" As Kazuki left eye glowed a bright red color

"Now then I'll beat you to DEATH" Myu yelled

"I'll make you SUFFER!!!" Kazuki Shouts

"HAAAAAA" Myu charges at Kazuki full force

"Just remember you won't last 5 minutes" Kazuki then dashes towards Myh

"QUIT BLUFFI- huh?" Kazuki then dodges Myu punch then stops himself and turns around running towards Myu

"Right there" Kazuki found a opening and hits Myu side

"Ack, Don't get cocky" Myu spits out

"Who says I'm cocky this is serious and when I'm serious I take it to the next level" Kazuki then charges his power

"Fire Strike Jutsu"

As Kazuki is charging his move

Myu comes from behind him but when she tries to punch him she freezes in time

"Hey what in the world did you do?" Myu shouts

Kazuki is done charging his attack and shoot it towards Myu

"Wait there's no way to run, Ahhhhhh!!" Myu yells in pain

"Give up yet" Kazuki yells out

"Never" as she cheap shot Kazuki with rapid punches of her own

Then lets out a full force punch to Kazuki's gut

Making him coughed blood out

At that point Kazuki was at his limit

As Kazuki was at his limit with burning bones and shattered ribs Myu activates a special ability

"Speed Of Light" She went up to Kazuki less than a second and punched him 23 times in 1 seconds

"UGHHHHH!!!!" Kazuki coughs blood as his eyes were going white

My body, it can't take anymore, I'm about to lose the only opportunity


"Huh where is Kazuki at, he still not here well lunchtime is almost over" Akari got worried

"I'm going to search for him he's getting me all worried"

But at the same time I think he's spending time with that girl he rejected

Oh well better leave them be but if he doesn't come back in the next 3 minutes I'm going to search for him


Kazuki powered out of his stage 2

Then activated his limits again but he couldn't go far so he used an ability he learned by himself

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerWhere stories live. Discover now