Chapter 110

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Alejandro looks at the mess he made with a disturbing grin on his face

As the smoke cleared there was a deep crater with a broken arena. Ren was nowhere to be found

Alejandro jumped down as he saw nothing just plain dirt and broken parts of the platform

"Well, looks like I win" Alejandro powers down and looks at his shivering arms and hands

"I guess I took it to far"

"You sure did, Breaking Point x2" Ren jumps from the crater and kicks his face

Alejandro rolls on the ground as Ren flips and lands outside the arena

'Man, I'm way too weak for this' Ren looks at his opponent

'Dang it, my dad was right what did I think about using that form I'm not even ready to use it yet' Alejandro said while wiping the blood of his nose

"Screw it, let's go body Breaking Point" Alejandro felt the pain in his arms even just pure Breaking Point wasn't enough

"Alright here goes, everything I HAVE!!!" Alejandro charges at Ren full force

"Come at me" Ren charges

Alejandro punching with everything he has tanking and eating every single punch Ren throws at him as Ren dodges and blocks every single punch Alejandro throws at him

"Mighty Blow" Ren yells

"Megatron Punch" both fist clash Breaking the arena barrier one last time

"Grrrrr" Ren giving it all he has while Alejandro nose began to bleed once more

A kick to Ren's head sent him crash back in the crater as Alejandro went back for him

"There's no way I'll end like this" with a punch to the gut Ren coughs out blood

Alejandro smirks as Ren aye his words

"Breaking Point x2" Shaky hand, arms, and legs Alejandro picks him up as he slams him to the ground, again and again. He swings him up in the sky as he to went with him leaving the crater and headbutting Ren's back

"This is the end!" With little energy he had left, he formed a small ball of fire

"El Fuego" With the fire hitting Ren, He begins to burn and scream

All Alejandro could do was watch his opponent burn till his last breath

"I'm sorry, Ren Araya, May you find a better place" Alejandro looked to the side in sadness knowing he did this to other people during his assassination

A kick soon caught him off guard

"If I hadn't left a Clone I would have been a goner, wouldn't you say, Legendary Ninjutsu: Breaking Point x4" Alejandro looked at him in annoyance

"Now I wish you really had died"

'I'm way to weak but how come this bastard still stands, but there's only one thing to do and even if I die my village will still stand'

"Secret Transformation: True From: Act 1, Let's see if you can survive an older version of me Ren" Ren was stunned, frozen in place

Alejandro was now a mid 20s looking guy with long black hair and had a ninja red ninja outfit, pushing his hair back he looked at Ren

"This is the end, Ren, your final battle"

"No, I lost" said Ren as Alejandro charged kicking Ren in the face

Just one kick and Alejandro 2as back to his normal self

"What?, no"

"Hehe" Ren laughed

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