Battle Against Lily

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It was morning times as I was outside training my body by start of with some push ups

But was interrupted by someone

"Okay Kazuki, are you ready to train?" Lily said

"Yeah I am!" I said

So today is my payback for what she did to me

I start charging up to my fullest and not caring if she dies or not I'll tell Tsukuyomi to revive her

"Lily I'm not using any of my abilities I'm gonna give it everything I have in my base form" I tell her as I wait for her to get ready

We both look at each other then Lily starts walking towards me

I walk towards her too out of nowhere

She used her spear and it hit my chest

"So you really have gotten stronger" Lily giggles

"Just for you my Kazuki" I laughed

"Save that for something else alright, but remember this" I grabbed the of the spear and snapped it in half

"I am just as strong as you Lily" Kazuki looks up to her as he punched her in the face

I continued to keep punching Lily from the chest, face and stomach

"Dammit Kazuki" she started to block all my punched

"Grr" Kazuki stopped then uses both of his hand

Using his focus, a large ball of fire appeared from the middle of his hand

He then used his left hand to shrink it to a normal fire ball sized

She then pushed his hand back by a little

"Super Fire Cannon" as he released it with his right hand and using his left hand to support his right wrist

"Time to go undercover"

When Lily was hit by it she went under the shadow's

She then walks towards Kazuki, then uppercut and elbows his stomach making him stop and send him to one knee

"Damn, well then it she want to play dirty let's go, The 10 Legendary Ninja Souls"

"Wait Kazuki don't" Kazuki then located all the legendary ninja's

And copy all their power

"This is way to much power" Kazuki couldn't handle so much power

"Screw it, Technique Of The Ninjas: Ultimate Burst as it hit Lily killing her on the spot

Kazuki then let the power go and got on his knees

I did it, I finally did it

Tsukuyomi came outside to see what was the ruckus

But all he saw was me holding Lily's arm

"Tsukuyomi revive her, she was strong" Tsukuyomi grabbed her hand and with a chant Lily regenerates her whole body

Lily started breathing heavily

"Dammit Kazuki you killed me-" but as she turned around she saw me healing myself

My hand on my chest healing

"Yeah and that's what you get" Kazuki said like a child

They went inside and waited for Lily to cook dinner

Kazuki and Tsukuyomi noticed they need chef but they don't have money for that type of thing

"Kazuki tomorrow I'll seek out some ronin ninjas who know how to cook"

"Yeah we can't have Lily doing all the work"

It was dinner time, we ate and head to our rooms but Lily came into mine

We started talking about thing from our lives and stuff like that till Lily brought up a topic I didn't know a answer too

"Kazuki one day I wish we could go out together just me and my strong right here ninja" she pointed at me

"We'll be a strong couple one day if you want to even though I was barely interest in guy at first till I met you Kazuki" Kazuki with little red

"Well Lily I really did some unspeakable things did I?" She nods

"But that doesn't matter anymore I want you to keep a promise" I nod

"I want us to get married if you have nowhere else to go and I want a kid after that" I smiled

"Alright if things do get better I'll marry you" she smiled and she laid on my bed

"Sure why not" as I got to my bed and laid next to her

She slept as I got out of my bed and headed to my shower

I got down and laid back down with Lily

Few minutes passed and Lily started talking in her sleep

"Kazuki I have a quick question I want to ask you" she asked

"Sure what is it?" I replied

"Can we hang out this Sunday" She says

"Sure we can" I said as she then bear hugged me I returned the hug and we slept that night

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