Chapter 124

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Alright it's time to end Book 1 before I start school again. I'll start Book 2 by the 3rd week of December or I'll just leave it at this and the rest of the story can be in your imagination

Kazuki was on a mission where his whole garb was in shambles, by the time he got to the cave he went to his room took of his suit, put casual clothing on and gave his ninja garb to a women nearby. "Again I'll pay you a extra 20 percent if you get it done"

The women smiled and went to work on his suit right away. Kazuki walked and made his way to Tsukuyomi room "Hey Master" He took something out his shirt and handed it to him. "These are the plans from the Momochi village" Tsukuyomi took the plans and places them on his table

"Kazuki tell the girls to set up the training camp, you'll be training for 3 week so be ready" Kazuki understood as he got up and left his Master's room

"Sanzo or Hiroshi, however you hide your current identity, you'll be a dead man once My students find you"

Kazuki and the girls were outside with their Master "Okay children, today well be a 3 week training and by the end of your training you'll complete a mission that could save my life" Tsukuyomi just wrapped up the speech from there and move on

"Starting from to day all of you would be training under me and as your Master I shall teach you all my fighting skills. Now Lily, Kazuki and Enju would be in order on how I will train all of you. Each session will take 4 hours and in those 4 hours you will get as much work done as possible, am I clear?"

"Yes Master" The kids said proudly and once that was done Lily was first, while she was first Enju and Kazuki trained with each other pushing their limits to the max

Lily Time

I was with Master and this training was a pain as I had to care heavy clothing and had to fight in them as Master kept moving  and dodging my attacks

After 3 hours of back and fourth I finally landed a punch on him "Good job Lily now that time is almost up, you'll fight me in your current stage" Lily nods and begins to fight

After a while Kazuki was up and Lily trained with Enju. Now that Lily felt lighter she wasn't faster but a little fast where Enju knew it was safe to fight her knowing her state after sparring with Kazuki for 4 hours

Kazuki Time

Kazuki was also wearing the same clothing as Lily but much heavier since he had heavier experience

"Now Kazuki you'll fight me at your fullest potential" Kazuki understood and went to his max but unfortunately that wasn't what Tsukuyomi meant

"Kazuki I mean go full force without your ability" Kazuki was confused on why not. "Because Kazuki if you train your body with that ability you will become strong, yeah sure, but it would mean you'll have to rely on that for way to much to the point you'll kill yourself with that form as it'll  takes a toll on your bod

Kazuki understood and removed his ability and fought fairly but it took him the same amount as Lily to at least hit him once and they sparred till the time was up

Last but not least it was Enju, Kazuki left the grounds exhausted not wanting to fight but he had to, just to make sure his fighting style was good enough to defeat the enemy

Enju Time

Enju was at the grounds wearing the same clothing as Lily "Alright Enju just land one punch and we'll spar till the time runs put then we'll have dinner" Enju smiles as she's been waiting her whole life

In the End Enju took 3 hours and 58 minutes to complete here and at the end Enju just fought Tsukuyomi for a minute

Once the training was done They did it for the next 3 weeks ending it off with with each training accomplishing something

It took Lily and hour and 3 minutes to touch Tsukuyomi with Weighted clothing, took Kazuki 59 minutes to touch Tsukuyomi and It took Enju an hour and 44 minutes to punch Tsukuyomi and now they were off

To complete a mission Tsukuyomi was waiting for and is to get a forbidden scroll from the Momochi village

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