The Birth of Kazuki Araya

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November 27

22 days earlier before the end of the Momochi and Daikou war

Ninjas eating their lunches before going back into hunting the Momochi

Araya was outside the medical room with a guard by his side

"Hey Araya, your son is going to be born any second now, how do you feel?"

Araya stayed quiet

Till he said something

"Hope he is as strong as his brother, he's only 2 and was born with the Legendary Ninjutsu"

Araya enters the medical room and he walks to and next to his wife side

"Honey hold my hand" he extends his hand out

She squeezed it as she was in pain breathing and giving it her all

As she gave one final push she and everyone else heard the cry of a baby

"Congratulations a healthy baby boy" The nurse held the boy

As she showed Araya-san the baby

A child with light brown hair, eyes like his father and a the rest like his mother

Araya-san held her baby before he had to go for cleaning

"I'll be back with the child, Araya-san" as the nurse walked out to clean the baby

"So what will his name be" Araya asked

"Kazuki" she said happily

"Kazuki Araya, I like it" Araya smiled

Just till they heard bombs go off outside

"Dammit these Momochi folks never quit do they"

"Honey, I'll get the nurse to escort you out of here" Araya-san looks at her husband as he took out the Kamuy a golden sword with abilities that could destroy continents

"Dear are you sure"

"We lost over 10 thousand men so far and we could only kill 500 of them" Araya furious runs outside to see the village in complete despair

"Damn him once I capture him and behead him I'll make sure to send 200 thousand niney to his wife and unborn daughter" Araya set off in the distance

Somewhere in the forest

3 soldiers A fit one who thinks about food, a chubby one whose alcoholic, an a 33 year old fat bastard

"Well guys that was fun now we have to go and attack directly in the village and once that happens we'll be awarded" The soldiers smiled happily

"So what do guys think the reward is gonna be"

"Probably food"

"Really, Hiro is food all you can think about"

"Well yeah, I'm broke and have no place to stay except outside" Hiro yelled

"And how are you fit" Hiro shrugged

"How bout you, Hito, what do you think?"

"Probably niney so I can pay my debts in have in the bar"

"How about you, Kai" Kai smirked

"Probably a new role in the village"

"Uh what do you mean" Hiro asked

"Listen if we get a new role we'll get babes" Hiro and Hito were not surprised

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