Araya vs Enju

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Enju starting off with a stance just like Kikuko

"Alright here I go" Enju rushing towards Araya

Araya dodged without hesitation

Enju kept her cool and fought serious

Even if he added a few kilos he is still fast than she is

"Araya just make sure you don't get shocked on what I'm about to show you" Enju then went to her max potential

And rushed towards Araya

At this point he was blocking and less dodging

He was shocked at what she could do at her full power so he to need to step up his game

"Alright Enju let me show you what an Araya really possess" Araya building up his strength with calm

Enju couldn't believe it it was higher than hers and sure at this point he was serious

"You're almost as strong as Kyoto" Araya smirked

"This is only half of my power and alas it has been awhile since I used this much power" Araya confidently said

"Don't get cocky old man I may be small but I should never be underestimated

Enju then launched he self towards Araya and shoulder tackled him

Araya barely moved from his spot

"Is that it because if it is I guess I could do the same" Araya then launched himself towards Enju then shoulder tackles her

Enju was sent towards a tree where she held a strong branch so she would be blown away

As the wind calmed Enju got down and rushed towards Araya but he was faster and went up to her stopping her tracks

He planted the palm of his hand to Enju face

"Heat Cannon" the fire burst from his hand and finish Enju off

Not even 10 minutes that was only just a minute and she gave out

Well then

He looked at the other's

"Alright everyone from this day forward I'll train you till you're strong as me"

"Yes sir" everyone said

As they got to training with Kikuko

"Hey Master Kikuko will we ever see Kazuki again" Akari asked

"Possibly put since he is put to some intense training for now to control his abilities I doubt we'll be able to see him" Kikuko said

"But still without Kazuki whatever possessed Enju would have ended mankind" Kikuko adds as she is watching them train from afar

Another PoV

"So should we get him aswell"

"Yeah we should but at the same time we should get Ren and inject him with this" The guy in a mask pulls out a needle

"Yeah your right he is the legendary ninja anyway" The guy in a cloak then walks out

"Let's find him and inject him with Master's power"

The two walk off and then spot him

"There he is now we get him"

Ren PoV

I was out getting some groceries on this warm day of December

"Weird how today's cool outside" I ignored the temperature and walked all the way to my dorm

Soon as I was halfway there I felt a strong presence

"Come out I know your hiding"

Just then two men appear from the bushes

One in a cloak and another wearing a halloween mask

"What is it that you want now?" I asked in annoyance

"Ren I need you to take this"

"I said no and that's final" I yelled

"How about I give this to your brother then" I was in shock but at the same time I can't call him my brother I ran off that day

"Don't you ever mention him as my brother"

"Well too bad your taking this one way or another"

He then dashed in the blink of an eye and injected me with some dark substance

"Dammit, get that off me, Legendary Ninjutsu" I broke that syringe with my bare hand

"Now then be gone" I ran up to then and placed a star like sticky bomb on there chest

I balled my hand to a fist and they exploded

Soon I felt a headache

"It got me, well then I hope the ninja club can do something" those last words of Ren was a warning

Lily PoV

I was sitting on the sofa in Kazuki's house and my child on his cradle

I get up and make something to eat

"Oh if my Kazuki was here I'd make him at least something of my worth" she smiles as she's cutting carrots

My child starts to cry

I rushed to him but he's asleep

"Then what was–"

I felt something pierced through my chest

"Hehehe, got you stupid bitch"

"Even if you had Kazuki's child that doesn't mean you can hide from me, Legendary Ninjutsu Full Power"

As soon as they were going to kill me

"Get away from her Kyoto" I heard Araya's voice

Araya took out his Katana and swung it at her

"Nanao heal her" Nanao went to Lily's aid

"It's okay Lily your father-in-law is fighting that women off"

Kyoto at full power swung her hand blocking Araya's sword

"Enough play, I'll be back and make sure your son is mine"

Kyoto runs out the house and flies away

"Damn her" He looks back at his daughter-in-law and she was doing fine

"Lily I think is best if you get some training done and not let your clone do it for you" Lily hearing those words shoke her

"How'd you know?" Lily asked

"She disappears after training" Lily defeated didn't say anything more

"Alright get my grandchild and let's go to the field"

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