Momochi's Chief

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"Rampage ends now" That's all he said and as I'm recalling the memories this guy was killed by me

I killed him at age 10 when I was part of Tsukuyomi

So if I kill him now he'll be gone for good but how is he still alive i need a answer before I can end him here and now

"I have one question before battle"

"What is it? Is it that how I'm still standing here?" He said with a terrifying grin

"Yeah, how are you alive?"

"Thanks to a team named Yatagarasu" A team named Yatagarasu

I get my stance ready in my weakened state

"Wait I have a special guess I think you know my daughter right"

I cocked my head to the side in confusion

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said with a frown but to the point where he snapped his fingers and to my surprise

A small girl, pink hair, ninja garb, scroll in her hand, and big breast


"Not bad but on the other hand I have my partner right there" I said as Ricka is sleeping

"She looks unconscious" the man said

"Senpai I'll never forgive you"

I get my defense stand ready

"Here I go, HAAAA!"

As I lunged forward as I went straight for a punch but he caught it

"What the—" then he threw me I went so fast I hit 12 trees then he comes at me and knees my gut


"Huh?" As he lost guard a giant hole appeared as the flames and lava boiled

"Earth's Healing 50%" as I was healed right away and ran toward Ricka

"Ricka wake up please wake up"

After slapping her face lightly for a few seconds she woke up


"Ricka if you can make it out of here get the Seeking Club we have a new enemy to handle"

Ricka looked a Kazuki with tired conscious eyes and she nodded

Kazuki put her somewhere far away so she could get there faster

"Let's go boy this is your final battle so I'll kill you painless and easy"

"Hmph" I go back to the field as he's standing there doing nothing and just looking at me

"So what are you to the Momochi Village?"

"How could you forget I'm the chief to the Village"

"That's all I need to know"

I stand in my stance

"Breaking Point Times Five Absorption" I went into my max breaking point with the help of the dead trees

I go in for a knee in the gut and punch to his face

He held his stomach as he stumbles back

I look and went for Myu as I did the same I tossed her in the air

"Flame" as a bunch of flame from my hand released from palm as it hit directly

The chief out of nowhere jumps at me and I quickly dodged his attack

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