One Year Later...

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A long time has passed since Kikuko's visit and Kazuki has been getting stronger everyday, Now being a six year old it changes from here on out

"Come on Kazuki is that all you have" Kikuko shouts to a panting Kazuki

"I have more to show you, Master" swinging his sword all around, Kikuko found an opening and knocked the wooden sword right off Kazuki's hands

"You have a long way too go kid" Kazuki flops his butt on the ground relieved training was over

"So Kazuki, how's Ren, haven't heard from him for a while"

"He's apparently doing his training, but I doubt it since he's a cocky brat"

"Now, Now Kazuki, we know he's full of himself but don't use those words to describe your brother" Kazuki thought of a few words

"Well he's..... um.... well... a..... Oh I got it, How about, couch potato"

"You're right Kazuki, he is a cocky brat" Kazuki confused why Kikuko told him the same words not to describe Ren

"Well breaks over Kazuki, get back up" Kazuki obeys and they continue for a little longer

"Well Kazuki that's it for today, I'll see you back tomorrow" Kazuki grabs his sword and heads off waving at Kikuko

On his way back he got hungry and thirsty, lucky for him there was a river near by

Kazuki looks to his left to see black smoke that came outside the forest

"So that was the explosion from earlier, man these scientists" he dipped his hands washing them as the river flows

"Okay time to drink" he cupped his hands as he sipped the water, he continued doing it, till he spotted a fish

He made sure to stay quiet took his shoes off, rolled his pants up, and got in the water

"time is..... RIGHT" Kazuki successfully caught the fish, and placed it down on the ground

"I tell mom if she could make it for me" he dried himself on the grass and put his boots back on

He made it home and told his mom

She did since she was in a happy mood, after the fish was done Kazuki went and ate it

A grave mistake

He enjoyed it, clearing the fish just leaving its head and a few fish bone to the side

Kazuki threw away the remains and put the plate in the sink

He took a bath, brushed his teeth but before going to bed he read a comic book

After the book he turned the light out and snuggled in bed and went to sleep

This body is mine but for the meantime I'll be developing boy without you knowing, Kazuki

Kazuki woke up in a good mood

He brushed his teeth, ate breakfast and got ready for his daily training and little did he know a little someone would be joining him for now on

He reached the grounds and right before he was going to greet Kikuko, He saw silver hair

"Ricka" Ricka turned to him and set a small smile at him

"Hey, Kazuki, good to know, is someone I know"

"Yeah, good to know Ricka" Kazuki smiles

"Alright, Kazuki time to start, take out your sword and fight Ricka" Kazuki did as he was told, knowing ricka she is skilled, weak but skilled

So he had to be careful not to leave any openings

Kazuki gripped his sword tight and got into a common sword pose

"Ready..... Set....... Clash" both charged at each other clashing sword, Kazuki took the upper hand, pushing Ricka back

Ricka leaping back for safety, Kazuki charges and swings his sword across but Ricka invades

"Come on stay still" Kazuki shouts

Swing his sword all around Ricka flips behind him finding one opening

"Thanks for the win Kazuki" Kazuki with a fast reflex knocks the sword to the side, Ricka still holding the sword in shock

"You've grown Kazuki, Just like last time, I was waiting" Ricka gave a evil smirk

"Let's do this, Dear" Kazuki caught off guard by those words gave Ricka a chance

Ricka goes in for a slash but Kazuki blocks it, then another one

"Okay no more play" Kazuki got serious letting his energy explode by exploding meaning the small energy ball that only push Ricka by a few feet

"What" Ricka shouted in surprise

"How was that possible?" Kazuki looked at Ricka's face which had a confused expression

"Wide open" He yelled and attacked Ricka with the sword but Ricka came back to her senses

Clashing the swords and Kazuki having the upper hand, Ricka decides to slide her blade down to Kazuki's grip

Catching him off guard she release the blade and spins the blade onto Kazuki's hands

Kazuki's hand were 'cut off' at this point making Ricka the winner

"This wasn't a lightsaber duel" was all Kazuki could say

"Yeah, it may not have been but you practice for a long time, I'm better than you, just keep trying to use the sword and you'll get there" Kazuki looked in disappointment

"I couldn't wield a blade at that point, every night I tried and tried but I could never" Kazuki looks at everyone even his Master, Kikuko

"That's when I gave up the sword skills and I told Kikuko I'd like to fight in hand combat"

"Hey Master, I'd like you to teach me hand to hand combat" Kikuko spit her water out

"What? Why? You gotta be joking, Right?" Kazuki shook his head no

"I just don't think the sword was ever right for me, Ren is a better sword wielder than me, I'd rather him keep the Kamuy and me hand to hand combat" Kikuko rubs her hair

"Well kid I guess I'll teach you" Kazuki's eyes sparkled


"Yeah, I would but since you won't be needing as much training" Kazuki understood

"Not only did I understand but when I started hand to hand combat with Kikuko, I knew I couldn't get enough combat skill from her since she used a sword her whole life, but that's when I met her" Kazuki pointed at Oka

"Oka Kazamatsuri, My pupil and Servant"

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