Enju's Arrival and Fusion

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Kazuki looked at them in the sky he then used magic only talisman used

"Telekinesis" as Kazuki pointed at them and dropped them to the ground

"Drain" as Kazuki was draining all of the power so it would be easier to kill them

As Kazuki was done he charged a few fireball but since he was using a jutsu the telekinetic powers went away making them move again

Kazuki was in trouble he had no more power or stamina left

"Let's get this over with" Kazuki then dashes towards Sanzo but Myu stepped in tossing her dad to the side

"Perfect" Kazuki then jumped on her head and he skipped making her head go a little forward and tumbling her forward as he lands on the side of a tree

He then launches himself from that tree breaking it in half

Kazuki put his right leg and he was going to kick her head clean off but she ducked but it wasn't over, Kazuki used his other leg and kicked her on the side off her cheek and and was sent to a tree, she was now unconscious

"Sanzo looks like you're next, just remember you'll end up like your daughter if you don't give right now" Kazuki said trying to make him quit

"N-never" Kazuki was annoyed but he had to finish him off this instant

"Paralysis" Sanzo now paralyzed

"Oka, Are you Physical or a Talisman?"

"Hey, get me off this trap this instant Coward" He said struggling to make it stop

"Bye-Bye Kid" Kazuki then activates the FlameHand and makes quick work for 45 seconds

"Damn my arm" the smoked cleared but Sanzo was still alive

"Impossible, how are you still ali- ack" Kazuki was on one knee his last bit of energy ran out quickly after he used flame hand for 45 seconds

"I can't e-end h-h-ear *pant*" Kazuki was on the ground trying to stay awake

"I- *pant*" Kazuki closed his eyes and was drained

Enju PoV

"Good you guys are here" as Enju was still running she saw the whole club by her side

"Come on fam let's go!!!" Yamabuki said as she changed into her garb

"Alright guys I'll see you there, Lighting Speed" Enju sped up double as she got there first

45 sec later

"Kazuki, Kazuki!!!" Enju shouted but there was no respond

Enju kept walking till she saw a bunch of broken tree's, Enju looked at them and then she knew this is where Kazuki and Ricka were fighting

"Kazuki you must be here" as she continues walking she noticed a body, it was Kazuki

"Kazuki!!" She ran up sat with her knees and noticed he wasn't breathing

"Come on Kazuki get up" she checked his heart it was pounding in a low rate, she checked his pulse it was alright

"Dummy you had me worried for a second, you're just passes out, *giggles* you're so cute when you're sleeping" Enju placed Kazuki down and look at who was in front of her

"Hehehe, looks like your boyfriend is down, ay?" Sanzo said

"He's not my boyfriend" Enju said blushing

"Oh yeah then why'd you hold him like that, huh?" Sanzo said as he was winning

"I- um because I wanted to, it's not that I like him or anything" Enju was red as a tomato

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