Chapter 79

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Kazuki and Yuto were in the city leaving the ice cream shop

Kazuki with a vanilla cone on his hand sharing it with his son who he was cradling

A Mile Away

"There's he is" a Ray gun was shot almost hitting Kazuki

Kazuki terrified ran back to Daikou Village

By the time he was in the path to his village there was more shooting from different angles

"Get em and make sure he explodes"


"Dammit the time I want to spent time with someone it always end like this" Kazuki then began to sprint faster

Soon the ninjas next to him sprinted but not as fast as Kazuki

"Hold on my son, Breaking Point ×10" Kazuki in a instant left the scene and was at the village less than a few seconds

"Damn he got away"

"Let's head back and report it we'll be back for him" Both ninjas ran back to their leader at the headquarters

Araya Residence

Kazuki ran inside his home and placed Yuto in his crib

"Damn that was way too much for my body to handle, I should have use just 7 that would've been enough to get away" He looks at his son who was in the crib

"Yuto you tell your mother I have some business to finish"

"But before I leave where is your bottle" Kazuki goes to the refrigerator and sees a bottle on the 2nd layer

"Let's heat this up" Kazuki waited 50 seconds

"Here you go and here's your blanket"

For the meantime I have to keep you safe

Kazuki opened the door then shut it

"Hope that works" and runs off in the distance

Corrupted Obnubi Headquarters

The 2 ninjas reported back to the Tycoon and gave him the info

"Sire we found him but it seemed he was holding a child in his arms" Tycoon got up from his desk

"I don't care about his child what is the info you have" He yelled

"Y-yes sire, here we have that he unlocked a new power called Breaking Point called ×10" The Tycoon brushed his bread with his hand

"Anything else?" Tycoon asked

"He also ran fast speed but not as fast as your lighting speed probably like speed of the fastest motorcycle" The ninja said scared

"Well if he was that fast then he should have gotten home in less than seconds" Tycoon said

"So what's the plan sire" the long haired ninja said

"Get the missiles ready in about one week we'll launch the attack on that android and put him down for good"

Just as he said that a crash was heard from afar the Tycoon henchmen ran with guns in their hands

They fired but where shot back

The figure walked out the woods and it was no other then Kazuki

"He's here!" The henchmen yelled

"Get the RPG's ready" as they grabbed a rpg and got in stance they fired

Kazuki grabbed one by one and aimed it at the coming rockets

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