The Truth About The Cigarette

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"Kazuki-dono... no" Oka said as tears ran down her cheek

"My master, is he a villain again?, Will he come to recruit me?, Will he kill me if I don't join him"

Questions ran in Oka's head as she was holding her head

"Kazuki-dono, I'm sorry but I'll have to defeat you if you're going to do this again" Oka then picked up a picture frame with her, Kazuki, Ricka, and Kikuko

"Kazuki" she tightly hold the frame then placed it back down

It's been a few weeks and Christmas rolled around everyone went back home to celebrate the holidays with their family except one

"Enju!" Kikuko knocked as she yelled her name

Enju got out her bed and walk towards the door

"Yes and don't be so loud"

"Sorry Enju but you remember about that cigarette you found outside the warehouse" Enju nods

"Well it belonged to a police officer" Enju was shocked at what she's heard

"But why?" She asked nervously

"Go to Masatoki if you want the information I'll be off with Araya at a Christmas dinner party see ya" Enju then closed her door as Kikuko walked away

"Man, I have to go there for information, Oh but I can ask Mr. Kuzuryu where Kazuki is?" Enju then blushes as her heart beated a little fast

"It's not I like him or anything I'm just worried about him not coming to school that's all" Enju then changed into her uniform and grabbed a heavy jacket and ran to the school

She got there in seconds and knocked on the principal's door

"Come in" Enju then opened the door and she saw an officer and the principal

"Enju please sit down" Mr.Kuzuryu said as the officer was next to him

"Mr.-" the officer cut Enju off


"Anyways about my cigarette, I'm sorry I was in a bad mood that day and just tossed it out there please forgive me and I'll be on my way I have business to attend" he said as he was walking towards the door but before he could walk any further Enju stopped him

"Hold on, but why were you in my club room plus it was locked wasn't it, so there is no way you could have gotten in" the officer froze but kept his cool

"Sorry young lady but your clubroom was open when me and my other comrades arrived, but our suspect has escaped from the window causing me to light a cigarette and throw it out the window" he explains as he gets upset

"But anywho I'll be heading back to my investigation" and happily leaves the office

Enju was in thought

After a moment of silence Mr.Kuzuryu broke the silence

"Enju I'll tell you something but keep it hidden from the others"

Oka's PoV

"Mom, Dad I'll be outside training" Oka said as she ran outside in her garb

That's when Oka remember the brand new one she had in her closet

She went back inside and grabbed that one was the same one but just covered a little more

"That's better" then she ran back out with a few training items

"Alright let's start with a 20 pound weight on my shoes and a 140 pound weight on this shirt" as Oka has a little struggle putting the weighted shirt she then begins to throw shuriken's at the tree

"Alright here goes" she began to run a fast as she could then jumped and kicked the tree but Oka fell down quickly before the tree

"Ow, huh!?" Oka then noticed the tree on the ground

She laughed then got back up

She then turned around it was Kazuki


"Heya Oka" but something was different about him he looked normal but he doesn't look like the photo they put on the news

"Oh yeah merry christmas Oka" as Kazuki pulled out a present box for Oka in his bag, he then noticed her staring at him weirdly

"Uh do I have something on my face?" Kazuki said as he was touching his face

Oka snapped back to reality

"Ahh, no Kazuki-dono I was just noticing" *what do I say*

"Yeah?" *What do I say?, ugh I'll just say something random"

"I noticed how cute you look" Oka blushed in an instant

"Hmm, probably have a cold but if you mean it thanks" Kazuki smiled

He leaves and the days go by New Years comes around and they all partied and laughed until the days went by

"Well back in school" Kazuki says as he is sitting in his desk

"Yeah but Kazuki have you studied" Enju said as he looks at him

Kazuki looks back at her dumbfounded

"Studying is hard so I skipped it so I can enjoy myself with my dad and Master Kikuko" Enju was shocked

"Did you call Kikuko your Master" Kazuki then noticed what he said

"Uh yeah but not like she- nevermind that"

"Kazuki do you like old people" Kazuki then lost it

"What-why, What no, what the hell made you come up with that" Kazuki was mad but somewhat blushing

"Kazuki you need help"

''Shut up Tsundere"

*happy new years everyone hope 2021 is a better year and covid-41 can settle down, but still everyone stay safe"

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