The Rebirth of Kazuki

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As I was still on hold with the nova it seemed to get weaker and I got a hold of it now and with one hand i still brought it down

Little did I know I still needed time to recover

"Hehaha, you're a FOOL!!!" As Sanzo pushed it back

I was weak i couldn't push it back

"Hold on Master" as I heard a voice for under me

"D-dammit" as I looked down it was Oka

I gave a faint smile but I knew one thing she was here to help me push it back to to him

"Haaaa!" As I tried pushing it back but it was not far, I knew it was the end for me

"Hahahaha, If I end you right here and now your so called friends won't worry about you, but if I don't they'll have to deal with their next threat" Sanzo said as his power got weaker

"Ugh, Hurry Oka I Don't Have Time" I was at my limit I yelled at Oka who was still climbing the long tree

"Hold on Kazuki-dono" as Oka was almost at the top she slip and fell

"D-dammit, Screw it, I don't care I'll use it, Shadow Clone Jutsu" as two other of me popped out of nowhere they knew what they had to do even for a little

They both fell down and made distracted him for a few seconds but by the time they began they faded

"It's no use I'm exhausted, plus if i used earth's healing, I won't be able to push it back

"Kazuki-Dono I'm here" as I heard Oka from under me

"Huh? I wasn't hallucinating then" I thought Oka was down

"Master I'll help you"

"But Oka you can't take control on the Nova"

"I can" I then looked at her and she looked at me

"Master I'm your servant and pupil, it's right for at least to let me try, isn't it" I looked at her then giggled

"Alright try taking control of it" as she put both her hands on it and consecrated

I then let go and she was controlling it

"Thanks Oka, Earth's Healing Ten Percent" as I healed myself and I was a little surprised I thought I used up too much energy when I was fighting them earlier

"Oka let's finish them" as I turn into time 2 again and we both pushed it forward


"Hehe, well I'm done for but Kazuki you should watch yourself" He was now speaking nonsense

"What do you mean your a goner" as me and Oka used both of our hands to finish the job

"Hahaha, Scroll"

"Huh?" as I looked to my left I see a scroll and it wrapped around me


"Bye Araya, Light Bolt" as a lighting shot came down in a flash before I can even but my barrier


"Kazuki-dono" as I heard Oka say my name she got mad and pushed it to Sanzo

"Don't Hurt My Kazuki-Dono!!!" The lighting stopped and with my last bit of strength I had I used times 5 and we both finished the job

"Haha, I'll see you in hell Kazuki" as I took control of the Nova and launched it in the sky towards the sun

Second later it exploded

Oka PoV

"*Pant* kazuki-dono we did it"

Then I turn to see Master but he was dead silent, just floating for some reason

"Master..???" He had a few sparkles of lighting coming out of nowhere

Then the Seeking club were conscious again as they got up like zombies but they were alright

But I turned to my master who now looked at me with happiness but he was electrocuted

"Thanks for everything Oka, I finally know what he meant" he said as his eyes go white and falls to the ground


Kazuki PoV

Those word and I knew what it meant I will be invincible but Seeking Club hope you'll train hard

I'm no longer with you guys after this I'll have one of you end me before I start destruction

I turn to look at Oka but I can't fix my self or position and I give her a thumbs up

"Thanks for everything Oka, I know what he meant" and before I know it I faint

"Kazuki!!!" Everyone yells my name but I didn't even listen I fade in a instant

"Hehe, I never thought Kazuki had a strange life, I'm now back into android Kazuki am I?, Oh well I'll see you later Kazuki"

Kazuki falls to the ground as he's not moving

"Kazuki-Dono" Oka tells as she jumps from the tree

Oka touches Kazuki face it's cold she then checks his pulse it's still going but in a very slow way

"Enju-Dono call an ambulance Kazuki-Dono is still here but his pulse is in a slow rate" Oka explained but soon after Oka knew she didn't have enough time

So she picked up Kazuki

"Tell the teachers I'll be late, I've have to save my Master, I can't just leave him there, I'll be back shortly" and she started running towards the nearest hospital

Oka's PoV

Oka ran as fast as she could she closed her eyes as tears began to roll down her face

"Kazuki-dono please stay with me please"

As she ran faster not seconds later she heard a voice



"Let me-" Kazuki fainted again but Oka ran double her speed, minutes later they made it to the hospital

"*pant* *pant*" as she took Kazuki to the front desk

"May I help you?" The lady in the desk talk

"Hi, I'm Oka Kazamatsuri, and my master is fading but his pulse is still going but in a very slow rate"

"So you're a ninja as well as he is" Oka was shocked but she nodded yes

"Alright then I'll get someone now" as she pressed a button and 3 doctors came out the door immediately

"We'll take care of him now, leave miss" one of the doctors said as they carried him in a stretcher

"But I wanna see my master" Oka said sadden that's she can't see her only master

"Miss you'll just need to leave, Kazuki is our responsibility now and we'll make sure he get out of the hospital save"

As she those word she went from sad to mad

"Very well" as Oka turns to the door

"We'll take care of him"

"You better if not I'll come for your heads" as Oka turned scary as the doctor didn't react

"Huh? Just like mostly every Kazamatsuri who has their master by their side since day one" the doctor said and went inside the operation room

"So how you feel Kazuki" an advanced engineer said

"Horrible" as he was breathing out of a mask

"Alright Kazuki I'm going to put you to sleep mode and put you in this healing tank" Kazuki looks over and looks at a healing take his size

"Don't worry, you'll be good as new after this and yes I'll fix your parts up" as Kazuki was carried to the tank and placed there with a air mask to keep his breathing while in sleep mode

"Kazuki, when will you tell em?" the engineer said as he left the room

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