Kazuki vs Myu

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"This is a rematch Kazuki Araya" Myu said as she got her father off the ground

"M-Myu you can't I'll handle him"

"Don't worry father, I still have unfinished business with him" Myu said with a smile on her face

Kazuki barely had any energy left but he had to hold on so everyone can get here

"Well then if I can't win then, Earth Ninjutsu: Life" Kazuki said as his heart bumped 2 times faster regaining stamina

"What the-" Myu and her father were shocked

"There we go if I wasn't a android I would have been dead if I used it but thanks to Kikuko I learned it from her"

"What does it do?" Myu asked

"You'll find out" as Kazuki begins to jump foot to foot as he get to his stance

"You ready?"

"Yeah let the games begin" Myu said but before she could perform any action against Kazuki

He came out of nowhere and launched her to the sky, then teleported to proceed on swinging his arm and which made her hit the ground breaking it

"Now be gone" as he shot a replica of a flamethrower but with the palm of his hand

Kazuki then leaped of the tree and went to the floor with all the smoke there

"How ya like that?" As he knew Myu wouldn't give up easily

"That burns" she said as the smoke clears

He saw a burned hellish looking girl

"What the-- oh right I threw real fire and you don't have fire protection, hold on let me heal you up"

He then walked up to Myu then took her hand

"Before I proceed on healing you, you don't need healing because, I ain't no fool" as he grab Myu's arm and slams her on the ground uncovering the original Myu, The illusion is now gone

"Pathetic Illusion like that doesn't work on me"

"How?! I-I-imposible" Myu said as she spit blood out

"Now it's time to finish you off, I'll make sure you dead" I smirked as I leaped to a tree and raised my hand

Myu looked up and knew what I was going to do

"Take this you ignorant brat, Supernova" as I held my hand up high a large ball of fire was formed

I tossed it to the ground, as it landed on the ground I noticed it was being brought back up

"What the?" As I noticed I used both my hand to push it back down

It was brought back down but for some reason It was brought back up

"What is going on- wait my power is decreasing by large amount, by the time it's out I'll die, no I can't die I promised him I'll not die"

As I tried my best to keep up I kept using power to being it down but was brought back up and as soon I knew I was about to lose all I heard was

"Good work Kazuki but your time is up, now die" as I thought I was done for I couldn't do anything I'm too weak

And I was sucked in my own super attack

Ricka PoV

I was still injured on what Kazuki did too me but i had to keep going if it wasn't for him stalling a little i would have made it out

"Kazuki I'll owe you one, you better not die"

As I was running I knew I didn't have enough stamina then I passed out

The Forest

Kazuki was nowhere to be seen

"We did it Myu" even if I made a copy of my daughter

We walked back but before I looked at the sky one more time and I see a body

"What is that?" The chief said as he squinched his eyes and knew Kazuki wasn't dead


"What is it dad? Did something happen?" Myu said as he turned back to her dad

"Myu get ready he's not done yet"

"What do you mean "He's not done yet"

"He survived don't ask questions"

"Huh? Really, how?" Myu asked

"What did I say?"

"Sorry" as Myu got in her stance

Myu and Her dad powered up and kept each other on guard Myu was behind while her dad was in front

Kazuki's PoV

I thought I died but I didn't I survived

My left arm was missing, my right foot was gone, my left leg was all gone except the kneecap and up

Lucky for me I'm an android so guess I'll have my secret technique out if I want to live

I raised my right arm as I was forming another supernova

'Hope this works with all the power I have left'

"What is that?" Myu said as she knew seconds later it was another nova

"Dad get ready, we have another one coming" Myu yelled out

"What do you mean?" Myu's dad looked up and noticed what his daughter was saying he gave a smirk and said

"This is too easy, he wants to die well Myu let's end him he has no power after getting hit so let just end him right here and now together" As the chief gets ready with his daughter by his side

"Scummy BasTards!!!" Kazuki threw the nova as he knew what his plan was to do with it

They grabbed a hold on Kazuki's nova but it was way too loose to be brought down

'Well he is weak after all' Myu and the chief tossed it back up

"Just aS PlanEd" Kazuki placed a barrier around himself

"What the-?"

"Father we messed up" Myu yelled


But it was to late the nova crashed into the barrier and the nova was now gone in a instant

"What? Where'd it go?" The chief said as he didn't see the nova explodes or go anywhere

"Dad look" Myu pointed on the tree

"What?" Myu's dad looked where she was pointing at and he saw Kazuki

"Hahahaha" Kazuki laughed as he was regenerating with the cables extending longer to form his body once again

He regenerated everything even his own flesh

Kazuki was done regenerating a his parts

"You two are some hopeless fools" Kazuki said as he was ready for a new fight

"Now then we should see who is stronger this time around, come on cocky bastards let get ready to rumble" Kazuki leaped off the tree and into his stance

Kazuki was a Full Power, Not holding back

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