Before Battle

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Enju PoV

"I stand wondering what I can do to defeat him but I have nothing in mind if I push him to his limit there's nothing I can do"

Just then I heard the news there was someone terrorizing the city the camera man was trying to get a close up but he died in the destruction of the city but I know who to blame it's Kazuki

Akari PoV

"Kazuki I should have believed you in the first place and if that happened none of this would have happen, but I hope you come back to us"

Just like that I turn on my TV and look at the news

The city was under destruction and as the cameraman was going to get closer he was caught and the camera fell but before the camera blew up I saw Kazuki a possessed on at least and it went static

Oka PoV

It was morning and I was thinking about Kazuki-Dono how he became the master I knew to one I can't look in the eyes anymore

Just like that I turn my TV on and scrolling through channels till I got to the news in my dorm and it's a person on top of a building and throwing fireballs from the palm of their hand and to that I knew it was Kazuki he hit the camera man and the camera fell, just then the camera exploded and I was speechless

Yamabuki PoV

I was just sitting on my desk drawing but to my surprise I can't stop thinking what we did to Kazuki sometimes I wanted to beat Enju sometimes I wanted to ask her the truth but I knew if I did she would respond

"Because he deserved it or she hates him"

Just from thinking I turn on the TV and I saw the news the city was on fire building to building and to that I knew it had to be Kazuki he holds a fire ability and to that the camera falls and hear an explosion and the TV went to static

Myu PoV

I was heading out the store but to my surprise I saw the destruction

Even I got sad for what happened to him he was framed for something he didn't do

That day when he got beaten made me sick to my stomach but I'm too much of a coward to step up for him

I knew I was possessed by something but I didn't know what I was possessed by but now I feel bad


And to that The principal called us to a small shack he was hidden in and he discussed on what we need to do

But as we we're walking we were stopped by a silver haired girl and a small girl

"Damn you, Ice Jutsu, Frozen Domination" it lifted Enju up and a bunch of shattered ice came falling down the sky

"This is what you get for framing, Onii-Chan, Cy Punch" Cy punched Enju as she had a barrier around her

Enju was flat on the ground

'No don't give in get back up you worthless ninja' the mind of Enju said but it was no use they were gon

"Enju are you Okay" Enju gets back up like nothing happened to her

"Yeah let's go" Then they continued walking and got to the small shack

And was greeted by Kikuko and Mr. Kuzuryu after their greeting the principal got straight to the point

"Alright, Enju you will need to go get Kazuki back after what you did to him"

Kuzuryu angry at what Enju did to Kazuki

She turns to Kikuko who was in the other side and bowed

"Kikuko I would like to ask for a favor" Kikuko looks at Enju in surprise

"What is it?" she said

"Can you train us for a week before we go" Kikuko shocked by those words

"Hmp" Kikuko scratching her hair

"Alright but remember my training isn't something to be slacking with" they nod and go inside a forest area

7 Day Timeskip

With enough training they were ready

"I'm surprise you all could keep up with me but here take this you'll be needing it Enju" Kikuko gave her a fruit that looks like a dragon fruit of some sort

"Is this a Dragon Fruit?" She asked

"No it's, A Fruit From The Tree Of Undying or as known as Fruit of Undying" Enju curious she bites it

"It increase speed, strength, and reflexes by 2 also restores stamina by 50%" Kikuko said as she was ready to get out of that forest

"Oh one more thing before I go, make sure you tell Kazuki hi for me" She then runs off to another place but not for long

The silver haired girl and the girl named Cy come out of hiding

"What do you guys want another fight?" Akari said

"No, I want Kazuki back and if you're going to get him back I do too" Ricka said

"Yeah we want Onii-chan back" Cy said

"Wait what are you to Kazuki anyways" Yamabuki said

"I'm his best friend Ricka" Ricka introduced

"And I'm Onii-chan little sister" Cy said

"Oh Ricka-dono" Oka noticed

"Oh Oka, we meet again"

"Yeah how you've been?"

"Been well and you?"

"Been good" Ricka smiled

"Talk later we have to find Kazuki, for all I know he trained as well" Enju said

"Alright let's go everyone" they left the forest and went to Masaki city where

Flames were lit and people were dead

"Help me" A guy crawled towards us but died

"Damn Kazuki sure is reckless" Yamabuki joked

"No times for jokes we have to find Kazuki-dono" Oka said

"Just in time for my party" then above a building was Kazuki he jumped down not injuring anything

"So if you're ready let's go somewhere more peaceful"

Kazuki then ran into the forest making the NSC, Ricka and Cy run after him

As they went in the ran into a cave with a long entrance and they were surprised it was a big cave

"Right there'" Myu pointed out

"You're right" they went down the stairs

And we're greeted by Tsukuyomi and Lily

"Welcome to our battle ground and I'm hoping your ready because I won't go easy on you"

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