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I was unconscious till I woke up

I look at a white ceiling

"Huh? Where am I?" Kazuki lifts his head up and looks at Akari next to her

They stare for a few seconds till Kazuki had a headache trying to remember what happen

"Man what the heck happened?" Kazuki asked

"Well you were on the ground passed out for who knows how long and you been unconscious for 2 hours already"

So I was in the hospital for 2 hours straight

"Man really" Kazuki rubbed his head as he remembered what happen

His battle between him and the Momochi girl, Myu

"Wait where's the girl named Myu"

"Oh that pink haired girl" Kazuki nods his head slowly

"Oh yeah she's been found too but, Kazuki why was she half naked and why were you half shirtless" Kazuki froze

'I can't tell her I'm a ninja but at the sametime it could help me

Well worth a shot

"Akari-?" Kazuki said but as he was about to speak

"Kazuki, how dare you, why did you do it with her you could have done it with me and I would have kept my mouth shut"

Oh sh!t she's getting the wrong idea

"Hey Akari you're misunderstanding" But Akari cuts him off

"No I don't want to hear it Kazuki"

"Wait Akari" Kazuki grabbed her hand

"I'm a ninja" Akari wasn't fazed at all

"Like I'll believe that, Ninja's are just folktales, they don't exist anymore now let go" Kazuki was shattered

"Akari I really am o-"

"I said let go Kazuki, can't believe I fell in love with a sick freak like you" Kazuki was at the point of crying

Kazuki let go and Akari took her leave

"She's just misunderstanding that's all once I'm out i'll prove it"

After a day in the hospital Kazuki was let out

"I feel so great but at the same time it's morning and it's my decision day"

But at the same time Kazuki is going to prove his innocence

I start walking home and as I was walking home I decided to stop by the convenience store for a bun and head to school with a normal long white button shirt since I ripped mine in battle

"I wonder what these pants are even made of" I got to my dorm and pick the long sleeve shirt and leave

I got to school and took a deep breath

I open the school doors and head to my 2nd class

As I entered I saw a few glares but I ignore them

'Why are they looking at me?'

I shrugged it off and the teacher began class like normal

The period ended but I had to go use the bathroom while I was walking I see Oka

I waved at her but she frowned and ignored me

"Well she's having a bad day" I said as I entered the bathroom

I did my number one, washed my hands and left, but as soon I leave I see 3 guys come towards me, a fats buffed one, a skinny but muscular one, and one with messy hair and a unbutton uniform

"Hey look it's the pervert the student council was talking about" the skinny one said

I was confused

Well Enju does call me that for some reason probably some other childhood rom-com or whatever

I walk passed them but they grab my shoulder

"Hey let go! What do you want from me? I don't have lunch money right now!" I squeal as the same guy picked me up by the shirt

"We're here to do the student councilor a little favor" he said with a smirk on his face

"What are you- GAHH" I wanted to know who it was but he punched me in the gut dropping me on the floor then kneed my face

They stopped but I know why because Akari, Yamabuki, Enju, and even my own student Oka

What did I do to deserve this

Enju gets on one knee and slaps me

"Why did you do it Kazuki? WHY!?" She started to yell

"What are you talking abou- huh?" she then calls out a different guy with messy hair and his normal uniform attire but his shirt is unbuttoned

He picks me up by the hair and punched my chest

I could barely breathe at that point

He dropped me down

Then I look at Oka mouthing

'what did I do?'

"Slept with a first year in the forest clothes torn off is that what you like Kazuki-Dono"

I heard her voice as I looked up Oka crying what are they talking about wait

No a misunderstanding

"Kazuki it will be better if you leave or there will be more consequences" I looked at Yamabuki

I'm not leaving till I clear my name

As I got up with a little support with the lockers I noticed a few stairs behind me

Then there was the fat buffed guy who tackled me and went crashing to a wall

My head now bloody

I started losing blood but then I look up at them all there with smirks or laughs

Oka was one in tears

Then the intercom came on

"Mr.Araya to the principal office, thank you" Kazuki got his courage to get up and look at them one more time

He then looked at his hand but decided to wait

Kazuki left to the principal's office

Kazuki knocks then waits to be let in

"Come in" Kazuki walked in and saw Kikuko and Mr. Kuzuryu

None of them said a word till Kazuki said something

"Mr. Kuzuryu, Even if you don't believe my innocence I'll take my leave" as Kazuki takes his leave Kikuko grabs him turns him around and slaps him

"Kazuki please tell me you didn't do it" Kazuki looks away

As Kikuko begins to sob

Kazuki looks at her then looks at the principal and he asked

"Did you do it Kazuki?" Kazuki answered a no

"As expected from you I believe you Kazuki but for now hide in the shadow's you'll not be coming back for a while"

"No need I found my target so I'll be leaving for good, also Kikuko take care of my student for me, she may not believe me at all but tell her I loved her more than anything" Kazuki said

"Oh one more thing I'll be leaving tomorrow" Kazuki then opened and closed the door behind him

Later that night

It was late and I was starving so I went out to see what I could get from the convenience store but as I left my dorm those same guys were at the stairs

I ran pass them as they were running to catch me as well

I ran and ran till my legs gave out because of how injured I was from earlier

I hid behind a trash bin them there I see a tear fall from my face

"I know where I can be safe, I know what I have to do" I get up but before I have the chance to run

I see him


Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerWhere stories live. Discover now