The Legendary Ninja Ren

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'How long was it?'

'How long have I been trapped in that cellar?'

'Did I escape on my own or was it a coincidence?'

After my mother died I left my village and started a new life in the real world but 10 days in I was kidnapped and taken into a cellular far inside a forest I never knew

"Where am I?" I look around in a dark empty room with concrete on the floor and a steel door in front of me

"LET ME GO!!!" I heard a women screaming for her life

"Shut up you bitch" just then I heard a gun go off

"Finally, jeez these women never learn when to shut the hell up" even though i couldn't see outside I knew he left her there

"I'll have someone come pick you up and you'll be treated" Then I heard footsteps coming this way

I heard the keys opening my cell and I walked back in a corner

Once the steel door open

I saw a guy with all black and a blood stain glove on and a pad on his hand

"A kid?" I looked at him scared for my life

"Must be at least 4 or 5 years old maybe this is what the boss wanted" the guard looks up from his pad he was holding

"I'll scan you real quick kid" she then let's go of the pad and it floats in the air and lied flat on the air

A green light shine as it scans me

"SCAN COMPLETED" the man looks at the pad and moments later he looks like he's seen a ghost


Age: 4

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Brother: Unknown

Sister: N/A

Village: Daikou

Hidden Potential: Legendary Ninjutsu

Sets of Abilities: N/A

Final result

Legendary Ninja

Hasn't activated Legendary Ninjutsu

"Excellent" the guard said with a grin on his face

"What do you mean sir" I shivered in fear because his eyes were scary

"You'll find out soon" as he slammed the door and chanted some words and made sure it was kept locked

He ran down the hallway only his footsteps to be heard

I was scared for my life i didn't know what to do I was trapped in a cellar with no way out

"Wait, what was this legendary ninjutsu about?" I asked to myself

"So if I can activate this ninjutsu what happens? Do I become a super ninja?" I look around the room but there's no escape

"I guess I'll make a run for it" I sit down on the concrete floor

Later that night

"Right here boss this kid has ultimate power" the guy opens the door and I'm on the side next to the opening area

He opens it and once he did they stepped in I ran for it

I didn't know where to go so I took the right and dashed towards that door and for my age I wasn't that fast

I only ran for 10 seconds till they caught me and picked me up

"Sorry little guy I'll make sure your power doesn't go to waste you ronin" he smiles at me and puts me back inside that room

From that day forward I was put to some intense training almost dying or being beat to death

From the first year there I was now 5 and could activate the legendary ninjutsu

I thought they would let me go but no I was wrong I was tortured from training

And for the next 2 years I suffered

I saw women being raped, men being whipped

Till the day where I finally had enough

It was the last day for me to be here now that I've gotten much stronger I broke the anti-jutsu cuffs off

"Finally, Legendary Ninjutsu" I activated the ninjutsu and placed my hand in the steel door

"Fireball jutsu" it blew a hole and I looked at everyone else

I blew up their steel doors and I made a exit so they could leave

As they all left this place i heard a door open harshly and I turned around and it sure was the people who made us weapons

"You I knew I should have killed you before" he charges at me but I launch a fireball to his face and dies instantly

But more kept showing up

"At this rate I won't be able to hold them off" just as I was beginning to be outnumbered

I saw different attack coming from behind me and sure enough it was the prisoners who were trapped here with me

"Don't worry kid we got this, we're weapons just like you" I smiled

"Thank you" I dashed through the crowd and made it to the door from the opposite side

Just as I busted in I felt a needle being injected into my arm

"Well done sir" the scientist said

"Just as I predicted" just as I took the syringe off I saw the scientist run away

"Hey" as I ran towards him I felt a arm pierced through my stomach

"Where do you think you're going?" He smirked as he pulled out his hand

"What the‐" I began to tear up in my eyes

'It hurts'

'It burns'

'I'm in pain'

'But I'll suck it up cause I'm not dying here'

"Legendary Ninjutsu: Maximum Power" I saw fear in his eyes as his eyes widen and looked at me

I went for a attack rapidly punching him off his feet

He begged for his life but I knew I can't let this man kill or harm anymore people

"Thanks to you I can use this power to end you, I'll make sure I end you with your own creation" he laid there in defeat

"Fire strike" Ren goes for the attack to the chest and in a instant the boss was turned into ashes as he screamed his life out

"What was that?" The rest of the prisoners said but in a instant they were outside

"Fireball Barrage" as Ren launched his ultimate attack it hit the tower and collapses to the floor ending everyone who was in there

Flames start to light up and soon it was over

Ren smirks and gets to his knees and falls unconscious

From that day forward I became a Ronin Ninja and I could never go back I had to avoid assassins through out my new life and at some point they stopped coming to find me

I think my dad ordered them to stop or something but I don't know but knowing him he'll want me back without being killed or maybe it's my imagination

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