Trio vs Tsukuyomi

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Kazuki, Lily, Enju were standing there knowing they'll have to go all out

But still Kazuki injured and tired he still didn't care for those all he was there to do was finish his mission

"My, my if my students haven't respected me then why did I take you guys in but there is one thing and is you will dearly pay, Muhahaha!" As his voice got deep we knew what he was doing

He started growing his arms, legs, heck even his whole body we now knew why he had so much power, why we did his dirty work, because he was afraid what would happen if he showed his true form

A titan

"HROOOOOOR!" As he yell making the cave rumble I take out the kamuy I leaped back and was ready to fight

Enju activated her lighting and Lily with her spear

"Let's go everyone" Kazuki led the way as Tsukuyomi's started to step on the ground causing it to shake

Enju ran up to Tsukuyomi and summoned lighting bolt

Lily gave me a boost up to his body as I swung the Kamuy trying to distract him

He grabbed me and threw me on the ground like a toy

Enju summoning lighting like crazy was keeping up and dodging all his attacks

Lily going undercover punches Tsukuyomi shadow causing physical damage to him

"Damn it's too dangerous in here" I looked at Oka

"Hey Oka" Oka looked at me

"Yeah Kazuki-Dono"

"I need you guys too leave this place the emergency exit is right over there I need you guys to blow it up and leave Enju and Lily will buy me time so I can recover" Kazuki said

"Alright Kazuki-dono but please be safe coming out this cave"


Oka then told everyone and they began to blow up the middle of the wall

Tsukuyomi turns to where he hear the explosion

He then opened his mouth and shot a fireball

"Not happening" Kazuki got back up and lifted his hand to create another fireball blowing it up together

"Shadow Clone Justu" Kazuki then has 4 more of himself and ran towards Tsukuyomi

Going up to his head and one poked his eyes

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT BRAT" He said with his low tone voice now I had the chance

I used one of my Justu's just to see if it's enough

"Fire Jutsu: Phoenix Flower" as a few flowers were planted on the ground and bloomed

"Enju, Lily stay back!!" I yelled

As the flowers exploded right on Tsukuyomi legs

"Alright guys I'll handle it from here, you guys go"

Enju and Lily weren't having it

"Kazuki I won't let you go I'll stay and help you" Lily cried

"Yeah let's us repay you" Enju said

"Alright Enju blind him" Enju nods

"Now stay back till I need you guys alright?" They both nod

As Tsukuyomi was now blinded by the thunder

Kazuki took the Kamuy out and let it high

It shined

"Kamuy are you ready?" He talked to the Kamuy

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