I Came Here For One Thing

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I heard gasps and whispering when I came in the classroom

"We're sorry Kazuki" as the whole class got up and apologized

"It's alright as long as your actually sorry" I said as turned back to the teacher

"Mister, is my sit right there" I pointed the seat next to Akari

"Yes, Araya that will be your seat permanently for the rest of the year" he said

I went and walked over to my new seat when I was walking I still heard "sorry" and "forgive me"

I ignored it and sat on my seat and grabbed my notebook and a pencil I had in my uniform

"Alright class today's lesson is on Geometry and yes I know all your test scores on geometry and I expect better from all of you, Araya you don't surprise me at all anymore" he said as he gave me a cold stare

"Well I will try my best"

Hmph even Kikuko gave me a hard time with those math problems

Not five minutes have passed

Akari started talking to me

"Hey, Kazuki where have you been?" as I turn around as her hair covered her eyes and she was tearing

"Uhhh" dammit what do I say

"Been in the village, you know training" I said lying

Hope that's believable

"Then why didn't you come back, why? You don't know how much I missed you" as she gets up from her chair and leaps on to me

"Huh?" I looked as she's happy to see me

"Oh Kazuki, I missed you so much don't ever leave me, please, please never-ever leave me alone ever again! I was so lonely without you, you scared me I thought I wouldn't have seen you again!" She cried as she kept hugging me

As I enjoyed the embrace of her hugging I knew it was enough her melons really be touching though

No we can't have that I'll be framed again

"Alright that's enough" as I pushed her off

"Enju missed you too Kazuki, isn't that right Enju"

"Well it yeah but as a friend so don't get the wrong idea" Enju said as she blushed and looked away

"Akari, what's wrong with her?" I asked Akari but she was also confused

"I really don't know, or is she acting tsundere again or should I say Enjudere" she said as she noticed the room

"Wait, why is everyone frozen"

"So you noticed well let's just say I stopped time" i said as she was shocked to what she has heard

"Wait, really?"

"No, fool I just frozen everyone up" as she was now dumbfounded

"Now get back to your seat so i can unfreeze these people" as she got to her seat

"Unfreeze" as everyone in the class was unfrozen and the teacher began the class late

Lunch Time

It was now lunch well I really don't need to eat but I still ate a good green apple

"Man now that I'm here I need to asked them for the Kamuy"

As I was thinking I got bored

"Hm by the way I can snoop around the classroom since now I'm in here"

I looked around everything till I noticed outside there was a warehouse well there were only two of em

"Hm maybe I could go check it out afterschool" I sat down on my desk and and lay my head down and dozed off


The bell sounded and I woke up immediately

As I saw everyone come in the classroom someone tripped over my bag

"Oh sorry about that i should've put my bag somewhere else" I said kindly

"Yeah you should, you almost embarrassed me" as I look up and it was a familiar face but i can't recall

"Dude I said I was sorry"

"That doesn't matter you almost made me trip dammit"

"Why are you making a big deal out of it" I said as I started getting pissed

So these are emotions from androids

"Oh look you gonna cry" I had enough and stood up

"Don't test me dammit" as I looked at him frowning

"That's it you pissed me off long enough" as he was about to land a punch I grabbed his hand

"I said don't test me" I gave him a blow on his stomach as be held it

I grabbed him by the head

"Kazuki don't do it" I heard Enju but I ignored it and then I threw him across the room and he landed on a bookshelf which made everyone laugh

"Damn kid" as I took my seat

Started and finished class

End of the day

I've finished class and went to the warehouse I knocked on it first but I noticed it was open I open it and no one was inside but then I noticed another door

I opened that one and it was unlocked I saw no one but as I noticed I see a ghost

Akari PoV

"Man that was a long day right Enju"

"Yeah let's head to the club room"

As we both walked to the room we see the two doors wide open

"ENJU WE GOT ROBBED" as I quickly rushed in the room

"Huh? Nothing taken" as I look around everything is neat

"Wait, did you lock yesterday Enju?" I said as I stare right at her

"Um.... n-no" Enju said shyly but I ignored that

"Why not?"

"I was tired okay"

"You could have let me do it"

As we were arguing for the next minute or so I noticed a paper on the table

Dear NSC,

I came here for one thing and one thing only and it's the Kamuy please turn it in to the Village Chief of Daikou Village

Sincerely Ninja

"The Kamuy, Enju do you still have it" I asked her

"Yeah I do I'll get it and we can all go return it" she said

"Alrighty, Ninja Seeking Club tomorrow is field trip day"

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