Day 5

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A/N: Hope you enjoy long stories

I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door

"*yawn* Who is it" as I got up off the floor

"It's us" wait what

I walked to my door but I had a bad feeling

I opened the door

"Hey Kazuki" and of course it's everyone for their club

"What do you guys want? It's too early for this" I said as I wait for them to respond

"Kazuki train us" Akari said

"Please senpai" Myu said

"I don't know, I'm sleepy and I don't want to do anything"

"Please" everyone started to beg

"Ugh fine let's do it after I'm done with breakfast" he asked

"Yay! Onii-Chan is going to train us" Eh?

"CY, I thought you were with my dad" Cy giggled and responded

"Silly Onii-Chan, I was let out yesterday Zina fixed me up *giggles*" funny


"So Kazuki how is the training going to work" Enju said

"I'm glad you asked" I pull my mask down and explained

"I'll be going by people from weakest to strongest so if I had to choose it would be Myu after that every 2 minutes someone joins in, until I knock everyone out I win, but if you guys take me down or I stop due to overestimating myself you guys win" They all nod

"Alright" I jumped back and got to my stance

"Myu you ready" I said

"Yeah I am" she was nervous I can tell but this training will calm her nerves down

"Alright" I started off normal

I dashed towards her then jumped over her she was so nervous I side kicked her back

She fell to the ground "Damn, Myu you okay?" She smiled and punched me in the face

"Dammit, I was fooled" I stumbled backward but kept balanced

I then dashed towards her and did the same move but now she predicted it she grabbed my leg and slammed me on the ground

"Ugh" she then did it again she picked me up and slammed me to the ground once more

"Ack, damn you" one she tried to pick me up one more time I did a long backflip to invade her attack and dashed towards her

Then, that's where the fun begins

Yamabuki entered the fight

"Myu-myu you alright" Myu shakes her head

They both looked at me and gave a smile, they dashed towards me but took different routes

They tried to punch my face but I grabbed their fist from opposite hand

I spun them around with all my strength and let go

Yamabuki went towards a tree while Myu slid onto the ground

"Hurry up this isn't a decent fight, Johnny is stronger than you" I yelled as they got angry and ran towards me

I dodged every single attack they threw a me

Till they punched me in the gut

"Ack" I fell back as Yamabuki drew a doppelganger of me

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