The Mission

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Kazuki did his training and was off to do his first Mission, to deliver a letter somewhere Osaka

"Oh one last thing Kazuki, sending this letter is dangerous, keep your guard up and make sure to sense if people are tracking you" Kazuki nods as he put on casual clothing and was off

He left the forest and saw a park nearby and as a 4yr old he made sure to sneak in the park without other adults knowing

If he could, he could fool an adult to take him to Osaka

"No that's the lazy route, I'll take the true route and make it there" Kazuki began his journey jumping from house to house making sure he can't be seen

Kazuki was enjoying his journey he saw things he couldn't see in a daily

It was going dark and as he was still jumping, he looked at a school, a high school in fact, he went and ran up the walls, now on top of the roof he found a bench

"Tomorrow I'll continue" Kazuki took a good night sleep

In the middle of the night Kazuki woke up randomly, his instinct told him to get out of there

He felt like something was wrong, so Kazuki jumped to the nearest tree and left the school immediately

Continuing his journey, not feeling sleepy anymore he made it to his next stop, the train station

"Alright just like Master Kikuko taught me" Kazuki jumped over the the scanner to enter the train station

Kazuki made sure he was alone in the station and as soon as the last train stopped right on time Kazuki made sure to get on, not to be seen by people

Kazuki was on but he saw a man in a long coat get in with him

"Dang it" he whispered

The man looked at Kazuki and pulled out a gun, pointing it right at him

"Now boy give me the letter" he demanded, but Kazuki automatically refuse to give up the letter

"Sorry Mister but I have to deliver it and complete my mission" The man shot fire but Kazuki was faster than a mere glock 19

"No toys allowed on the subway" Kazuki punched the man knocking him out

"Wow a ninja is as strong as this" Kazuki said to himself, taking the gloves off the man, putting them on and leaving the mans fingerprints on the pistol

"That should do it" He said as the man was still knocked out the train to Osaka was near and luckily no one has entered the train

The train stopped and Kazuki got off to his stop to Osaka

He leaped out the train like the child he is and ran up the stairs

He leaped over the ticket scanner and looked at the address

"Okay I'll have to head west with this one" Kazuki looked in the dark

"Man if only their was a girl with night vision" Kazuki leaped on a roof nearby and began his journey once more

He made it to his destination and gave the letter to a blond woman

"You must be Kazuki, I suppose this letter is from the Daikou Village, isn't it" Kazuki nods shyly

"Oh well, thanks Kazuki, here's your reward, ¥60,000" Kazuki didn't know what a yen was but he still took it

"Give it to your father"

"Okay" Kazuki replies

Kazuki made his way back

Taking the same path till he was stopped by 5 hooded ninjas


"Hand over the money kid and no one gets hurt" they all held swords and me, nothing just a few martial art move

"I worked hard tor this" is all Kazuki could blurt out before the ninjas attacked

One went over and grabbed Kazuki and rummaged his pockets for the envelope and when the ninja's hands were on it, he took it out and dropped Kazuki

They ran back from where they came from

"Losers" Kazuki pulled out an red envelope with the money inside of it

He then made his way back

3 days later

Kazuki was home as he reported back to Kikuko

Kazuki happily ran to Kikuko and smiled

"I'm back, Master" Kazuki said as he ran to hug the old lady

"Nice to know you're in one piece" Kikuko said making Kazuki pout

"I'm still surprised you're still walking" Kikuko laughed the joke off while Kazuki was frowning

"Anyways while you were away I sensed a presence, a presence from an old master of mine

"Oh really thats cool" Kikuko closed her eyes in silence, bring out her serious aura, Kazuki still didn't know

"Kazuki you ever heard of an organization named, Point Of Authority" Kazuki shook his head in confusion

"It's the place where people possess the Legendary Ninjutsu, Mainly there are 10 high rankers but now there are only 10 people who possess the power" Kazuki curious continued to listen

"While your brother is one of those people, he's interested 10th rank"

"As the list follows
10th - Ren Araya
9th - Unknown at the moment
8th - Unknown at the moment
7th - Unknown at the moment
6th - Assassin Riot
5th - Unknown at the moment
4th - Unknown at the moment
3rd - Unknown at the moment
2nd Former - Isamu Tsukuyomi
2nd - Aoi Kotegawa
1st - Emiko Gogatsu"

"Emiko , my former master possess the power but for the past few years I felt his power grow and grow since the last time I checked of him was 3 decades ago" Kazuki didn't understand the pain Kikuko went through

"Well let's go meet him" Kikuko nods her head

"Not now, maybe another time, well Kazuki in 2 days I'll call you in for another mission so go home and rest, okay?" Kazuki smiled

"Yes, Ma'am" Kazuki ran back to his house

"Emiko, who are you anymore?"

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