Chapter 36

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It had been minutes yet they were just staring when finally John spoke, "No you ain't going alone."

"Yes I will come with you," RJ said.

"No. Look I don't wanna put anyone at risk get that and if Simon doesn't attack city centre and attacks where his men were seen then there should be two people to catch them , 'cause it's not a single person's work," I said.

"But what if he attacks where you are. Emily, you shouldn't go alone," Louis said.

"If he attacks I can take care and I will call for back up okay? And anyways market isn't too far from city centre and I'm strong enough to keep his men engaged until y'll come there," I answered.

They all looked at each other than at me.
"Fine. But whatever happens you will let us know," RJ said.

I smiled a little and muttered a Thank you.
"Boys y'll are staying here except..... Zayn," I said to the 1D boys.

"But isn't it risky for Zayn to go?" Liam asked sounding worried and looked at Zayn.
"I wanna do this boys. I really do," he said.
The boys looked at each other than sighed.

"As you wish Zayn. But remember we are here waiting for you and you have a family back in Bradford waiting for you, please," Harry said. Zayn smiled and nodded and we all headed to the armoury.

We took all our weapons quickly and as usual I went for knives along with  pistols and a small sword 'cause just in case if I need. I glanced over at Zayn and I can say I am happy. He picked up a Maxim 9, the one which had a in built silencer. He was always crazy for such guns.

I walked to him. "Zee," that's what I used to call him when we were kids. Though it felt a bit weird but it gave a flashback of so many old days and brought a smile on my face.

He turned to me and smiled, "Hey." I was snapped out of my thoughts by his voice.

I smiled a little. "You sure about this? About this mission?" I asked him worried 'cause he wasn't trained yet.

He smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be fine and anyways John is accompanying me but-" he took a pause and looked at me worried.

"But what?" I asked a bit worried. But the next thing that happened, completely blocked my mind from thinking anything. Zayn leaned in close and cupped my cheek with his free hand and lightly caressed my cheek with his thumb, "I'm worried for you," he said so softly that could melt anyone's heart making them fall in love but I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to let my heart fall for anyone, atleast not when we had such a big threat on our head's.

I just stared at him. I couldn't say anything from the sudden closeness between us.  "Please take care and if you need anything or any help please contact us, please," he said, making me smile.

I nodded," I will don't worry, you too take care," I smiled again. He nodded and got back and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss that closeness.

Soon we all walked out and headed back to RJ's office. All were standing in groups alloted, only 2 more people where going to go with each head. So John had 3 people with him; Zayn, Cara and Joey. RJ had Daniel, Simran and Cain with him. Another group of 4 people were ready just incase anyone needed a backup.

I walked to the centre as always. "Okay
So all ready?" They said 'Yes' together.

"All know what y'll have to do, right? No killing anyone unless there's no other option," they nodded.

"Make sure y'll don't shoot at any citizens okay? We don't want any casualties. Hope so your guns have inbuilt silencer or if not than make sure you are using a silencer, last thing we need is a havoc and a chance for the assassinator to flee from there. Remember we have to catch them alive." All responded 'Yes' in unison. I smiled.

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