Chapter 23

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It was only 15 minutes for the concert to start and to be honest, from all the screams and voices of the crowd I could hear my heart beat in my ears.

Perrie was siting next to me. She was too much worried for me and I felt actually bad for her. She was falling for me day after another but on the other side all I did this was just for pr and now she was here and basically risking her life. She being here was worrying all of us.

Harry and Louis we worried too and were trying to comfort each other without anyone noticing. Liam was trying to stay calm and make Niall feel better, who was now really looking worried.

I just closed my eyes to calm myself down that's when I saw Emily's face, I was confused, why her? I quickly opened my eyes and the next moment I saw Emily was standing in front of us and looking at me. I stood up and she slowly walked to us, I don't know why but having her here made me feel a bit better and calm.

"Guys, listen I know my words won't affect y'll or make y'll any calmer but just leave it to us," Emily said in a soft voice. We all made a small circle around her.

"Just for the concert, forget about the attack, about B.C, about everything even about me and just enjoy yourself while singing the way y'll always do," Emily smiled to us.

"But I'm scared," Perrie said and looked into her eyes.

"Emily promise me you will keep Zayn safe no matter what," she said with a worried tone and teary eyes.

"Perrie I promise, nothing will happen to Zayn or any of the boys and even you. All y'll need to do is co-operate and stay normal," Emily said.

Perrie suddenly hugged her, Emily was surely shocked though she hugged her, rubbing her back. They soon broke the hug.

"I feel better now," Perrie said with a small smile.

"Then even I need one," saying that Harry hugged Emily. She chuckled and hugged him back. Soon Liam, Louis and Niall all hugged her.

Now it was me left, I looked at Perrie even though I didn't need her permission to do so but I had to, she smiled and gave a small nod so I slowly hugged Emily and she hugged back.

She was so soft yet her hug was so strong. Her hug was warm and had a feeling of trust, care and love. It felt so good.

"Everything will be fine, trust me," she whispered softly in my ears.

I just nodded and hugged her a little tight and for a little longer. It felt like all this years this was the hug I was missing. It was so familiar yet so strange. We soon broke the hug and she smiled to me.

It was as if Emily felt us, felt me and was there at that very moment.

"Okay boys now All the Best. Do stay calm and keep smiling, rest we will handle," she said smiling.

We all thanked her and smiled back. Soon we started walking on the stage, I took one last glimpse of her and saw her smiling and headed to the stage.


I left from back stage and mixed up with the crowd like the rest of my mates. We all were alert and looking around for any suspicious person.

It was difficult walking through the crowd who were almost stuck together and screaming like hell.

My and RJ's group was at the front, while my another group and Daniel's group was in between and John's group was at the top rows of the auditorium.

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