Chapter 37

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I woke up on a cold floor there were only four plain dull walls around and I was tied up to chains. It was too dark and I could feel something wet dripping down my face from my forehead. I looked around feeling a bit dizzy, there was not a single window or even a door to be precise. It was just 4 cold plain dark walls.

Suddenly the wall in front of me parted in two and a silhouette was standing there. I strained my eyes to focus, and that's when he walked in. It was none other than Jordon Kyle.

I frowned at his sight making him smirk more.

"Emily Smith in all her glory at Black Chamber's cell," he laughed as he said that.

"Oh tied in chains. I might add that if you still aren't sober enough to know," he laughed again. I swear I wanted to punch his face breaking his teeth.

I chuckled. "Y'll took away all my guns and knives and even knocked me out and now bought me in this only 4 blank walls room and still tied me to chains. Are y'll afraid that I will escape from here too if y'll let me loose," I smirked seeing his smile fade and get replaced with an angry face.

He walked towards me in anger and punched me in my stomach making me whimper and stumble from the sudden pain.

"Don't you dare try and act smart with your words," he hissed.

"You are alive 'cause boss wants you alive or else there are hundreds of people waiting for your death."

I spit out the blood and looked at him with a smirk, "As much as I know these people are waiting for years to kill me still they never got a chance to actually kill me huh?" I smirked, "or are y'll cowards and afraid to face me so hiding behind the "you are alive 'cause of boss" card huh?"

I could clearly see Jordan's face changing to shades of red and then I received a harsh blow in my guts making me almost fall on my knees but I was hanging to the chains. But he didn't stop there instead continued until my face had turned black and blue and was bleeding. I could see him proudly smiling at what he did to me.

But I was stubborn. I stood up straight holding the chains and smiled. Jordan's smile dropped.

"I won't ever give you the satisfaction you wanna see after making me so weak, never," I said.

He mumbled something under his breath and went off leaving me in the dark of those four walls again.

I slowly started to lose my balance. The chains in my hand were tied tight up making it difficult for my blood to reach my fingertips making them go pale and all the pain from the torture started to make my brain shut. I slowly closed my eyes but still hoped my friends were fine of course how couldn't I as that was the only reason I agreed to come with Jordan, agreed to get kidnapped and agreed to surrender

Soon sleep took over me making everything turn to a darker shade of black than it already was.


We have been searching for an hour now. Yes, we are in the same alley Emily was kidnapped through. After RJ commanded us to get back to the HQ, John instead drove to the city centre and we scattered and started to search for any clue about Emily's kidnapping and till now we got nothing.

I leaned against the wall and looked around that's when I saw some blood drops, I called out for John. "Look here's blood."

John quickly jogged to my side and looked at the blood and kneeled down and touched it.

"It's fresh. Maybe Emily or one of Simon's men are injured."

I gulped and hoped it was the later one. I couldn't possibly imagine Emily getting hurt, last time I saw her it was worse and it still shocks me. I really hope she is fine and we find her soon. I was bought out of my thoughts by John's voice.

"She used it," he said.

I saw he was near a big dumpster so I walked to him, "What?" I asked looking at the injection in his hand which was the one Emily showed me that they used to inject chips in Simon's men's skins to track them.

John showed me the injection and I noticed it was green in colour and not yellow or red like the one's Emily showed me. This injection also had Emily's name on it.

"Emily injected herself so now we can track her," John said and with that, he quickly ran to the car making all 3 of us follow him and get in the car. He quickly drove off looking a bit relieved.

I smiled a bit too. Now that we had a hint to search for Emily, hope we could get her back as soon as possible.

We reached the HQ in 15 minutes but were called to RJ's office. When I and John stepped in we saw a glaring RJ and others standing looking at us. I looked at the others then at RJ.

"Why didn't y'll come back when I asked y'll too?" RJ demanded looking at me and John.

I was about to say when John interrupted. "We were searching around us for clues."

"Oh okay. Did you find any?" RJ asked.
"No nothing," John answered.

I was surprised that he was lying to RJ. We didn't tell RJ that we actually went to the city centre to search for clues about Emily. I reminded myself to ask him later about this.

"Okay, so all we know is, Emily is taken by Simon's agents and we need to get her back at any cost," RJ said and looked at Ben with anger or surprise, I couldn't tell.

"What happened exactly," he asked Ben.

"When we reached the city centre it was too crowded so Emily and I split to search for any suspicious person. I was in another alley when Emily entered one. I saw a few moments so I warned Emily but I received no response. I kept on asking for her response as I started to head to the alley she was in but I couldn't even hear a single word from her. And when I reached there it was empty." Ben said and looked like he was guilty about what happened.

RJ nodded. I looked at John who was now in deep thoughts.

"We should attack them," Ryder the one from RJ's gang who now was a part of the HQ, said.

"No, you can't. Simon has a capacity of 100 agents and we are only 50 and without Emily, it's just like we are almost good at nothing," Ben said.

"He is right. Emily is the one who knows all tricks that Simon can play. She knows all his weaknesses and also his strengths. We can't just blindly attack them. We will lose everything we have and also-" Daniel paused and added softly, looking down, "Emily."

I gulped. The very thought of losing so many people along with the one I wanted to save made me scared to death. I didn't want to lose her. After all, she is the only constant thing of my past who is helping me to remember it.

"So what should we do?" Louis asked.

"Stay calm and think. I mean that's what Emily would do," John said.

All nodded to him and he walked out of the office, I quickly followed him.

"John, why did you lie to RJ," I asked after walking alongside him.

"I figured it was better and anyways RJ, in fact, no one knows about it so it's better that way," he answered heading towards the elevator.

"Hmm," was all I could say.

A/N: Chapter done. Don't forget to vote.

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